Sunday, January 1, 2017

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Electric Carb Heat for Jabiru Engines

I am sitting here thinking about flying this morning, and wishing the weather wasn't 20F and foggy where we live in Utah!  As I thought about the times Kimberly and I encountered carb ice with the Jabiru, I realized I haven't posted much here about the Dual Heat units.  For those of you running a Jabiru engine and looking for some way to heat the carburetor and reduce chances of carb ice, take a look at the Dual Heat units made by us (  Using 2 heating elements, the Dual Heat draws a total of 5.5 amps and will increase carburetor body temp in-flight, even on an open engine application like our Titan Tornado's.  We have been flying ours with the Dual Heat installed for over 6 years, and sold hundreds worldwide.

More information is available at our web site, and units are in stock at Motion Aero and Jabiru North America.

Hoping clear blue skies are in your flight plan today!

Mark Panos

Motion Aero

Note:  While the Rotax 912 uses a carburetor very similar to those on the Jabiru 4 & 6, the Dual Heat unit WILL NOT work on the Rotax 912 due to clearance issues.  It is possible to adapt the Dual Heat, but only if the intake manifolds are swapped side for side, similar to the RANS S7 method, which moves the carbs out over the valve covers.


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