Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Fw: MULA seminar, annual fly-in [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Malcolm Brubaker included below]

 FREE Mdot safty seminar with cash door prizes . feb 16th  at dalton AP flushing MI eaa chapter 77. start time is 12:00 noon the topic will be 10 things every VFR pilot should know.  Wings points will be available for this program.  also a presentation on EAB  annual inspections  presented by Dennis Demeter,a columnist for aviation magazines  and guest speaker at several state  safety conferences.  this safety seminar is the kick off for the states oldest and  largest light sport and ultralight club celebrating its 25 year, the Michigan ultralight & Lightsport association "MULA" plans to attend several fly-ins and airport events this summer.  MULA's annual fly-in, held at Purdy field near flint bishop airport, will be the largest state wide light sport event since the national KIMO competitions were held in Marshall, MI in 2006. MULA's grass roots approach to aviation is reminiscent of it's ultralight days; when it frequently had over one hundred members annually.  At that time there were almost a dozen ultralight clubs in Michigan alone. if you would like more info on the seminar you can download the attachment, go to the MULA web site  , or visit our facebook page
If you would like MULA to advertise/attend your event send us an email with details.
Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker
Michigan Sport Pilot Repair
Great Sails - Sailmaker
for Ultralight & Light Sport

Attachment(s) from Malcolm Brubaker

2 of 2 Photo(s)


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