A bit of information that may help. Ed Snyder
Actions required to transfer aircraft ownership: (Experimental Armature Built ***)
(Note, transferring ownership does not necessarily make the aircraft legal to fly)
Documents to be received by buyer:
Aircraft Bill of Sale FAA form 8050-2 signed by the seller with buyers information inscribed
Aircraft Registration card 8050-3 with seller sign-off and buyer's name inscribed
Aircraft Registration form 8050-1 completed to transfer aircraft ownership to buyer
Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate *
Aircraft Limitations (phase one and two) as issued at time of airworthiness certification *
Aircraft Weight and Balance *
Aircraft log books with current annual inspection sign-off **
Aircraft POH (*) (***)
* (copy, original stays within aircraft for transport)
** (If no current annual inspection, then it will be the new owner's responsibility to see
that effort completed before flying the aircraft)
*** (If phase one was not completed, then the new owner must complete those steps and
complete the POH document and log book entry)
Buyer's required actions to affect ownership transfer:
Buyer submits to FAA Oklahoma City the completed forms (Bill of Sale 8050-2, the Registration card 8050-3 signed-off by seller, the Registration application form 8050-1 together with $5.00.) Buyer retains the "Pink Copy" which is carried in the aircraft as temporary evidence to operate the aircraft. Buyer retains other aircraft documents. Buyer will receive a new registration card 8050-3 identifying buyer as aircraft owner via the mail from FAA.
-----Original Message-----
From: eshannon12002@yahoo.com
Sent: Mar 2, 2014 11:44 AM
To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group RE: Registration Question
Also, this aircraft was registered by the original owner/builder on 08/18/2005, and was de-registed 02/11/2014. The Airworthiness certificate was issued 06/29/2006 and will expire 02/28/2015.
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