The next leg of his trip is from Africa to South America to Natal in Brazil distance is over 3000 km (1642NM) and the expected flight time in the wind conditions is 12.5 hours but it looks like he will have a headwind (which is to be expected) for this leg.
To put this in perspective he is travelling a distance slightly longer than New York to the Phoenix, overwater with no landing areas !
He expects to use 242 L of fuel (63 USGallons) in no headwind conditions so I expect he will probably use closer to 300+ litres.
Very brave person !
BTW the timing is not very good but he will be arriving in the Sebring on 15 January, is engine will be serviced by Lockwood aviation on 16 January and he departs directly from Sebring the Texas on 17 January. The timing is terrible, if he gets held up a couple of days in bad weather then he will actually be at Sebring when the sport aviation Expo is on. It would be great to catch up with him at this event !
--- In, "GREG LAUNT" <glaunt@...> wrote:
> WOW...HUGE ADVENTURE! Best to All involved.
> I'm wondering if we have accurate numbers here...did they really AVERAGE nearly 130 nm/h that 1st day?
> > The first day covered just over 2000 km (1103 nautical miles)in 8.5 hours flying from the Slovenian capital to Morocco in Africa non-stop without landing.
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