Saturday, February 15, 2014

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group So much for Cessna

  I think you missed what I was comparing. . ..
I was comparing the economics of owning a airplane. 
I was also comparing the economics of what a GA license vs a LSP license can do.
I was also comparing the kind of folks that can afford to fly by saving, compared to those who can afford to fly with extra money to waste.

A SPL is a very limited license. . .It is a daytime, limited speed, one passenger license.
Not very many people will spend 80 to 100 thousand on a airplane just for its limitations, unless they have money to waste.

A 150?  that is a GA airplane only. .  You can't fly one with a SPL, it is to heavy.  thus, you can 't compare it with a SP plane. 
the Skycatcher is a SP plane. . .made especially for SPL.  Granted GA people can fly it at night, but I bet that most GA pilots (that are current) will
purchase a 4 place for 1/4 the price of a skycatcher.   And a GA pilot is not limited.

I look at it this way. . .

If you have a GA license, you are either foolish purchasing a skycatcher, or just have a lot of money to spend.  (unless you are a CFI and are training people) A GA pilot can be far better off purchasing a 4 place plane. . . far better, far more useful, cheaper, and cost the same to hanger it. <smile>  And if you really want a two place plane, you can purchase a C150 for less than 20,000.  Usually around 14 to 17 thousand.  Yeah, it is older. . much older, but if you only hold one passenger, does it really matter? 

Definition of a Good Salesman: Screws you and you don't know it.

Definition of a Superb Salesman: You think you Screwed him!!!

From: Bob Comperini <>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group So much for Cessna

On 07:55 AM 2/13/2014, Dwayne wrote:

>Now. . .who in their right mind would spend 100,000 dollars, pay HUGE sales taxes, pay HUGE property taxes, for a airplane (and a SPL) that they can only fly during the day, carry one other person other than the pilot, and flies like a Kite? Only those with a tremendous amount of money to waste.

With all due respect... it's not a fair argument, because you are trying to compare the cost of a brand new SLSA plane, against an older used GA plane. Why not compare that cost against a brand new 152?

Bob Comperini



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