Friday, March 26, 2010

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Maxpro Battery monitor

Add a capacitor across the power and ground close to the electrical input. This is called a "bypass" cap and is used to smooth out any nasties outside sources produce. It will absorb and spikes and fill in any valleys in a dirty power supply. You are probably just seeing electrical noise generated by the alternator. Try about 10 to 50 uF cap to start with.


From: Bill Hobson <>
Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 4:47:03 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Maxpro Battery monitor


It's a Lycoming O-235 and the battery is a Gill sealed 14V battery purchased new 2/1/2010.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Maxpro Battery monitor


What kind of engine is it?
What kind of battery?


> The diodes drop the monitored voltage by 1.2 volts.
> The device was made to monitor 12v DC batteries. Hence the need to deliberately
> drop the voltage to a range meaningful to the device. When monitoring the
> voltage with a digital meter it shows a steady 12.3 volts DC, but I'm wondering
> if (because of the alternator) the voltage is really in the form of a
> square oscillating wave. The device works 100% right until I kick the alternator
> on. Then it works about 90% of the time as expected, but randomly switches
> briefly to a flashing red display for a second then switches back to steady
> blue. I'm hoping the people who I bought the gadget from can offer a suggestion
> as to what to do if this is the cause.

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