Thursday, June 2, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: sport pilot training in challenger or quicksilver

One thing I have observed is that the younger the child is the more they enjoy airplane rides. The older they get the more they have been turned away by the naysayers. This is only a generalization as we have some teens and young adults who have interest but not enough to keep a flight school with good equipment afloat. The local airport used to have an Archer for rent but you can not sharpen your pencil enough to justify 30 or 40 hours a year rental. The 150 did a little better because of a handfull of students but they are both gone now. A new 100K airplane will not even begin to pencil out but then if you want to use it for an instrument trainer and get insurance on it you need to get into that class. Tax laws used to help the lease back idea which I did for a while with a 152 but that has been taken away as a perk for the rich, and I didnt even know I was rich. Helen talks about cookouts and family activity at the airport, in many places that is actually discouraged because of security. Also that takes promoting and the weekend is the natural time. Most airports in the midwest are ran by the city and if you do not beleive in the dead coming to life stand in the doorway at 5 on Friday evening or if they are really into providing weekend service at noon on Saturday. When the FBO was actually a business they knew to be there when everyone else was off work and ready to play. Flight instruction and aircraft rental is a tough way to make a living so most are geared to agricultural aviation and a few business aircraft still hanging on.
In other words it is a combination of things and if there is considerable activity you will find a person or group who is makeing it happen. We need to clone Helen so there is one of her at every small airport across the country and dont let her burn out.
Lyn Wagner
Taylorcraft BC12-D


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