Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 1:19:34 PM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group IFR Training and IFR Rating for Sport Pilots
I agree with you.
--- In, James Ferris <mijniljj@...> wrote:
> Good thinking and Sailplane traning and aerobatics would also prevent accidents.
> Jim
> ________________________________
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group IFR Training and IFR Rating for Sport
> Pilots
> Â
> Why is an IFR rating not possible for a pilot that only has a Sport Pilot
> certification? . . . . Only a couple of LSA aircraft even offer IFR instruments
> as an option (for pilots flying them that have a higher than Sport Pilot
> certification).
> The NTSB has many accident reports of well trained, well intentioned, very
> responsible, highly experienced pilots (but that did not have an instrument
> rating) that were flying a well planned flight, but during the flight, they got
> caught in inadvertent flight from VFR to IMC, and then they crashed their
> airplanes.
> It would seem to me that the Sport Pilot having the ability to earn an IFR
> rating, and to fly IFR equiped LSA aircraft would very helpful, and would add a
> new level of safety to those in the air and on the ground.
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