For Rick the optimist. You might want to become a pessimist like me. Its not all that bad of a point of view. The plus side is that you will seldom be disappointed. Roger P
From: Rick <>
Sent: Fri, October 29, 2010 8:14:15 AM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Medical NOT required???
--- In, Jerry Gorman <aflyguy25@...> wrote:
> I think that what it really boils down to is that it sounds like a good idea to
> the bureaucrats! All the sound good ideas just tend to complicate our lives.
> Jerry, the Curator of
I dunno, seems like the ones who complain about the gubbamint and burrocrats complicate things just as much as anything else. If we listened to all the whiners out there NOTHING would ever get done because THEY are all against us.
The Optomist,
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