Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Can't handle the noise, sorry

 There isnt really a lot to discuss. Cant (legally) modify the planes. Almost everyone knows the planes that can be flown as LSA  legal The only progress seems to be upwards in price specification and it seems weight
 Is there a place in for a "hyundai" LSA? A plane built to have an economic life rather than a keep it flying forever as is the norm. A modestly equipped  day VFR built to do burger runs and around the patch with a once in a lifetime cross country to Sun and Fun or Oshkosh
 The spec?
Built from new auto conversion (Geo 1300 or similar) 90hp or so with a gear drive PSRU
Wood prop
Steam gauges
Simple trim
And most importantly designed as an assembly line built plane needing only task trained workers for most of the work

What price would a plane like this sell for if it was available?

--- On Thu, 10/21/10, herbkushner <> wrote:

From: herbkushner <>
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Can't handle the noise, sorry
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 8:37 AM


I'm with Eddie! This place has become a waste!
Herb K

--- In, Edward Benson <FastEddieB@...> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Sorry, but I have to give up on this group for now.
> The continued copy and paste of nearly all prior posts in the thread has made it virtually unreadable for me. IOW, there'd be an eight word post, followed by 50 or so lines of previous content copied and pasted. Just too much scrolling involved to get to the "meat", as it were.
> Plus, the political stuff is of no interest to me.
> The signal-to-noise ratio is just too low for me to wade through it all, so I'm going to unsubscribe.
> I'll still be active on the, and forums.
> I can still be reached at FastEddieB@... or 706-492-3118.
> Fast Eddie B. (Ed Benson - Mineral Bluff, GA)


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