Friday, October 29, 2010

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Medical NOT required???

It may not be a bad idea for the FAA either.  It means less work on their part.  That may be the stimulus to get it through.  Roger P

From: Jerry Gorman <>
Sent: Thu, October 28, 2010 10:40:31 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Medical NOT required???


I think that what it really boils down to is that it sounds like a good idea to
the bureaucrats! All the sound good ideas just tend to complicate our lives.
Jerry, the Curator of

----- Original Message ----
From: UltraJohn <>
Sent: Thu, October 28, 2010 6:10:34 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Medical NOT required???

From personal experience there is a couple errors here but his basic point is
One the time starts from when they receive your paperwork... Of course they
might not touch it for 3 to 6 months depending on backlog... Mine usually took
3 or 4 months.
2nd and most important is a special issuance medical is only good for no more
than ONE year no matter what class....
Although subsequent applications the time starts at the end of your current
but you can only send in your renewal application 3 months before expiration.
and if it takes them 6 months then you still only have 9 months of flying.
Also if they request ANY additional information (they did on both my renewals)
then when you send it back you do not get immediate attention you are put at
the back of the que...Not good!
This is why after my last Special Issuance about 3 years or so ago I decided
on SP...
PS Since my angioplasty and stent in 2003 I have run about 25 marathons and 35
races longer than a marathon including a 628 mile race across TN in mid July
in 90 to 100 degree temps with dewpoints in the 70's , but I'm not healthy
enough to fly an airplane!

On Thursday 28 October 2010 03:42:24 pm Dwayne wrote:
>  Well said Brian,  Very well said.
>    Once you have lost or put on the hit-list with the OKC FCC office, it is
>  NOT easy to get your medical back.  And when you do get your medical back,
>  the two years, 5 years, or whatever does NOT start at the reestablish
>  date.
>  If it takes you 1 year 11 months to finally get your OK from the FCC,
>  you only have one month of flying legally, before you gotta go through the
>  hoops again on a 2 year medical.
>              Dwayne
> Great to hear from ya!


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