Hi Malcom,
You wrote, in part --
"...our hope was to gather enough info to build a process that would allow pilots to utilize their plane - wether experimental, amateur built or certified, to introduce people to flying. This could mean training use for cfi's, for ultralite pilots to gain experience before flying alone, or for people to just get a ride in a cool looking plane at a pancake breakfast. ..."
I'm curious what you're getting at. Seems to me that's a great goal.
But you do know that experimental and amateur built aircraft explicitly can _not_ be used for training? Right?
And that the problem new prospective ultralight pilots face now is there are no more ultralight flight instructors (BFI "Basic Flight Instructor) or two seat ultralight trainer aircraft permitted? And the only option for them to get legal dual experience before flying alone is to pay a normal CFI $50 per hour plus rental on an aircraft (usually a 172 or similar) at $150 an hour and find themselves training in an aircraft very very different than the single seat true UL they want to fly?
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