Thursday, March 15, 2012

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Why does it TURN (not just slide sidewards) when you bank w/ no rudder?

Where is your aileron control while stabilized in a turn?
Jim Bair
From: circicirci
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:53 AM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Why does it TURN (not just slide sidewards) when you bank w/ no rudder?

Hey Bill,

Thanks for that question. I'd been thinking about that.

To recap your question (which is below):
In level flight without any rudder you bank. The plane turns to the side of the bank. The horizontal component of lift should slide the plane sidewards towards the side you have banked but continue to fly straight ahead but banked. It does not explain what makes the plane turn on a circular course.
So what's making the plane TURN?

Gary, I don't see how dihedral explains the plane _turning_ toward the side of the bank. All postive dihedral does is create a tendency for the plane to return to level flight if you let go of the controls.
Negative creates a tendency for the plane to continue to roll further once you start a bank.

Somehow the bank must be creating more drag on the lower wing (or less on the raised wing) creating the turning force.

My guess is the raised aileron on the lower wing -- being in the different airflow of the upper wing surface -- creates MORE drag on the lower wing than the lowered aileron on the raised wing does.


--- In, "Gary N Orpe" <garyo@...> wrote:
> Depends on dihedral. And lift of a forward wing surface and the other rear facing losses/gains. Most have a positive dihedral built in now days.

> Gary
> From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Watson
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Answer to Rich's Question
> Hey Jim, I have one for you (or anyone else that wants to play). If in straight and level flight, the main wing lift vector provides upness without looping our plane, why when we point the lift vector any amount sideways to we horizontal loop(turn)? eg: Why don't we continue to fly straight with only a sideways component to our flight?
> Bill


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