I just wanted to throw this out there…cannot help it!
China's economy is growing at a 10.3 percent annual rate based on news reported by Yahoo Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/111068/what-china-rate-hike-means
The US Economy is stagnant with 1.75% Growth based on news reported by Bloomberg.
Now, for the sake of argument and posterity, I want anyone in the group to tell me that US Government has done everything they can to make sure that the American Economy remains the wealthiest and securest nation on the planet? If you feel otherwise, I suggest you pause and reflect on how much time you spend posting about your flying hobby and how much of your time is spent looking into any wrongdoings in Washington…
How many of you have your 401K vested in US companies? Retirement? Anything else vested in the US…like your mortgage? If your money is vested in US companies, they are not sucking wind! Their profits are at record levels…ABROAD, not domestically.
I'm done bickering now! I'm just sick of it!
Chris Norman, CEO
Digital Reality, Inc.
5118 Moss Garden Lane
Katy, TX 77494
512.297.5450 Mobile Direct
281-385-9727 Office
From: chris@digitalrealitycorp.com [mailto:chris@digitalrealitycorp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:05 PM
To: chris@digitalrealitycorp.com; Helen Woods; Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
Darn auto spell GAS should have said FAA.
Chris Norman, CEO
Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!
----- Reply message -----
From: "chris@digitalrealitycorp.com" <chris@digitalrealitycorp.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 8:50 pm
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
To: "Helen Woods" <Helen_Woods@verizon.net>, <Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com>
Ok...no more ranting about politics like that...
How about we talk about how crummy avionics are in general aviation, how expensive modern avionics are and how difficult it is to upgrade due to the GAS making it so hard?
Chris Norman, CEO
Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!
----- Reply message -----
From: "Helen Woods" <Helen_Woods@verizon.net>
Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 7:56 pm
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
To: <Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com>
And name calling is grounds to be put under moderation again...
On 10/19/2010 8:21 PM, medicbill@aol.com wrote:
> Learn how to spell DA.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "eric"<eshannon12002@yahoo.com>
> Sender: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 00:07:21
> To:<Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com>
> Reply-To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
> The trash will be taken out in November! Oboma and his loyalist are only prolonging the unevitable. Many Americans are finally waking up and seeing what a Jackass this guy really is!
> Eric
> --- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, medicbill@... wrote:
>> What a bunch of crap you speaketh from thy garbage mouth. In Germany they have just as many unions and just as many if not more regulations as well and they build great airplanes at the same price as the ones being built by the Chinese who use slave labor, child labor lack of polluton controls that affect the healt of their people as well as us in the US because their pollution is drifting over here. Union workers built the aircraft that won WWII. Union workers built this country and helped to create the middle class that exists. If you believe in you Alice in Wnderland world that the governement in this country supports unions your crazier then Meg Whitman thinking she is going to be the governor of California. Union workers have had to fight and manyhave died fighting to get the rights and benefits that not only they have but as well as the non union workers who have been able leech of the people who have stood up and fought to halp make this country what it is. If the governement was truly a supporter of unions much less supporters of working people then union mambership would be growing but unfortuanately with the years of companies as well as the government trying to destroy unions membership has declined. The simple fact is companies leave so they can pay people 25 cents an hour with no benefits and still claim they are an american company. Blaming unions as well as regulations is just an excuse to cover up the truth which is greed. The truth is that corporations control this country.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: herbkushner<herbkushner@...>
>> To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 8:21 am
>> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
>> Herb K
>> --- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Dwayne<masterdr@> wrote:
>>> Â Â Well. . .
>>>  When you have a government that supports unions. When you have a government that interferes with businesses by hampering them with BS regulations. When you have a government that taxes the hell out of you. When you have a government that wants cap and trade. When you have a government that thinks carbon tax is good. That spells one HUGE story. . .
>>> Â Â Businesses become less profitable, and have choices:
>>> 1. Close up.
>>> 2. Move to another location where labor is cheaper.
>>> 3. Lay off employees.
>>> 4. Move out of the country.
>>> Â This country is NOT good enough when it is ran by jackasses that have no idea what makes a business run.Â
>>>   I would suggest people stop pointing at businesses and start learning *why* businesses pick up and leave.  Anyone can point at businesses and complain, but very few can look beyond and ask themselves why a businesses is taking such actions.
>>>  It is amazing how many armchair Business men there are out there that finger Businesses for shortfalls with absolutely no knowledge of what is really going on behind the curtains. They can only think of their job, the unions, and how they are mistreated.
>>> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dwayne
>>> Great to hear from ya!
>>> --- On Tue, 10/19/10, medicbill@ medicbill@ wrote:
>>> From: medicbill@ medicbill@
>>> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
>>> To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
>>> Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 1:09 AM
>>> Â
>>> Bravo Abid bravo for you.
>>> Â
>>> I talked with a guy at Oshkosh who was the financial backer for a new
>>> radical seaplane. I asked him about building in the US. All I heard from him was
>>> a load of garbage whining about how come he can't build here. All it came down
>>> to was paying crap wages and being able to pollute without recourse so he can
>>> maximize his profit. I hope he loses his shirt. If this country is not good
>>> enough to build your planes here maybe he should leave.
>>> Â
>>> Bill
>>> Â
>>> In a message dated 10/18/2010 11:02:50 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
>>> apollonorthamerica@ writes:
>>> The
>>> lowest cost Revo is $45k but to keep perspective, that's akin to saying the
>>> lowest cost Merc. is xyz as far as the trike world goes.
>>> We build the
>>> Revo here because we want to build our cream of the crop model all in the USA.
>>> We have other lower models whose sub-assemblies come from Hungary. Building in
>>> the USA is not cheap but if we don't build things here, we are going to slip
>>> into a 3rd world country. Its just a matter of time. Slowly but surely. I am a
>>> bit surprised that Americans born and brought up here don't seem to have the
>>> perspective that allows them to see that clearly.
>>> Abid
>>> --- In
>>> Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Tom Williams tomcw4aa@
>>> wrote:
>>>> wow a owner that makes sense politically. I have not
>>> looked at your web site
>>>> recently. What is the lowest cost ultra you
>>> have?
>>>> Tom W
>>>> On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 11:29
>>> PM, apollonorthamerica<
>>>> apollonorthamerica@ wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> This isn't
>>> really a political forum but I am doing something about it. I
>>>>> own
>>> a company that is "manufacturing and selling" trikes to US customers
>>> and
>>>>> abroad. We are "net" exporters. We bring in more money into
>>> the US than we
>>>>> send to Rotax outside the US because everything
>>> else besides the Rotax on
>>>>> our trikes has local roots from the
>>> 4130 tubing to the little rubber
>>>>> grommets to the Adel clamps to
>>> the tefzel wire to the nut and bolt to the
>>>>> wing sail material
>>> (which most others use Dimension Polyant from Germany).
>>>>> More of
>>> the Revo is manufactured here than RV kits from Van's (Phillipines)
>>>> plant. What else do you want me to do?
>>>>> I wasn't
>>> the one who started a useless war based on a lie (depending on
>>> your party affiliations) and I also wasn't the one who gave billions to
>>> Bank
>>>>> Of America and AIG and others because government was
>>> reducing regulation and
>>>>> asleep at the wheel. Hey but at least
>>> this time our wall street took the
>>>>> world into the dumpster with
>>> it :).
>>>>> Abid
>>>>> --- In
>>> Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
>>> <Sport_Aircraft%40yahoogroups.com>,
>>>>> "chris@
>>> <chris%40digitalrealitycorp.com>"<chris@>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Then do something about it
>>> Dammit!
>>>>>> Everyone whined about the
>>> depression...but that's all. I have one
>>>>> question for everyone
>>> here...are you a nationalist as in HEA or loyalist as
>>>>> in let's
>>> make bins the new superpower?
>>>>>> Chris
>>> Norman, CEO
>>>>>> www.digitalrealitycorp.com
>>>>>> Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from
>>> Sprint!
>>>>>> ----- Reply message -----
>>>>> From: "apollonorthamerica"<apollonorthamerica@>
>>>> Date: Fri, Oct 15, 2010 11:31 pm
>>>>>> Subject: Light-Sport
>>> Aircraft Yahoo group Re: the Blame Game
>>>>>> To:
>>> Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
>>> <Sport_Aircraft%40yahoogroups.com>>
>>>> I think we are in a depression, yes in the US. We have more orders
>>> for
>>>>> our high priced models from outside the US than within the US
>>> for the year.
>>>>> That has not happened before.
>>> Abid
>>>>>> --- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
>>> <Sport_Aircraft%40yahoogroups.com>,
>>>>> "Richard Williams"
>>> <rkwill@> wrote:
>>> Abid,
>>>>>>> Do you think we are in a
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