Saturday, October 15, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical

Guys, as I mentioned in my last post, the general rules for the drivers
license medical do not necessarily apply to someone with a speech
impediment. Jim's DPE may be correct in that he needs a SODA which
involves a 3rd class medical. He needs to contact AFS 610 on Monday for
a definitive answer.


On 10/15/2011 7:50 PM, Reggie wrote:
>> "Jim Bair"<jimbair@...> wrote:
>> My opinions:
>> 1. I think your examiner is wrong. I have never seen anything
>> in the regs that says the FAA will require a medical.
>> Yes, there is a question on the 8710-11 that covers the English>speaking requirement.
>> You fill it out as you think it should be filled out.
>> I suspect that you speak well enough to get a drivers license,>therefore....> SNIP<
>> ************************************************************
> There is a flight school that brings it's foreign students
> to KMHV for training when the weather conditions impede flights
> over the hill. Most are from Japan, I bet you are more understandable..
> If you take the medical exam, its not because you are required to.
> Its too bad that you made the FAA rep aware of your condition.
> If the rep gets a burr under his saddle, you won't ever see an
> end to the hassle he can cause.
> IF there is any chance you could fail any aspect or question
> on the medical, DON'T voluntarily take the exam.
> Oh, by the way, when your medical records are "nationalized",
> the FAA will probably ask you to stop by for a chat.
> ------------------------------------
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