Saturday, October 15, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: 3rd Class medical

..thanks for the info !

From: A. Censor <>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:24 PM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: 3rd Class medical

You wrote, in part --
"I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going round and round in my own mind...thanks"
Bad plan. In case a dozen others haven't already told you this:
Once you fail a medical, or EVEN withdraw from completing it once initiated, you can NOT ever fly as a pilot (sport pilot or otherwise) without passing it.
Given what you said, unless you're damn near 100% confident you'll pass that aeromedical class-3, I'd say don't take it.
There are a number of services of aeromedical examiner-types that will analyze your situation and tell you whether in their opinion you'd be a slam dunk to pass, questionable, or a certain rejection.
These folks/doctors (see link below) will give you by email, phone, or other ways a low cost consultation about issues for passing (confidential if you wish) before taking a medical or after being denied regarding appeals etc.
I believe AOPA offers a similar consultation for free if you're an AOPA member.
When you say "go LSA" I'm sure what you mean is "go for the Sport Pilot license."


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