My wife hates flying at night and even hates IFR more. Since there are just the two of us, I see no reason for renewing my medical, and so I just let it lapse. There are plenty of LSA's that perform as well as our old 172 did and so LSA is the way to go for us.
From: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 8:55 PM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Digest Number 2662
Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.1.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: circicirci
- 1.2.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: circicirci
- 1.3.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: circicirci
- 1.4.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Shanahan
- 1.5.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Shanahan
- 1.6.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Shanahan
- 1.7.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Shanahan
- 1.8.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Shanahan
- 1.9.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Shanahan
- 1.10.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jim Bair
- 1.11.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From:
- 1.12.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Lyle Cox
- 1.13.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Richard Williams
- 1.14.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Richard Williams
- 1.15.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: UltraJohn
- 1.16.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Ralph Steen
- 1.17.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Jay Maynard
- 1.18.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Reggie
- 1.19.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Helen Woods
- 1.20.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: apollonorthamerica
- 1.21.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: apollonorthamerica
- 1.22.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Gary
- 1.23.
- Re: 3rd Class medical From: Gary
- 2.
- The case of Jim Shanahan From: Helen Woods
- 3.
- Light Sport Aircraft on FaceBook From: Rex
- 1.1.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "circicirci" circicirci
Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:31 am (PDT)
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, John wrote to Jim IN PART SAYING:
> What is SA?
> Sport Pilot license (SP) does not require a 3rd class medical. You use the driver's license and your common sense decision making as your medical. FAA can't tell you you need a 3rd class medical for SP unless you have "failed" that medical before.
> If you have failed then yes of course now they know you had a problem and won't allow you to just use your driver's license as medical. You have to get the 3rd class medical back. This is how its always been
> Abid
> --- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@ > wrote:
> >
> > ...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we spoke about
> > this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> >
> > Â
> >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> >
> >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > From: Richard Williams <rkwill@>
> > To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> > Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Bobs,
> >
> > You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after cancer?
> >
> > You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
> > get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> >
> > You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> > Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> > training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> > training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
> > flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
> > rules and regulations.
> >
> > R. Williams
> >
> > ---------- Original Message -----------
> > From: "Bobs" <jimshanahan707@ >
> > To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> > Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> > > Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> > > life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> > > want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> > > from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> > > speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> > > 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> > > medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> > > want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> > > the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> > > !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> > > of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> > > round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> > ------- End of Original Message -------
> >
- 1.2.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "circicirci" circicirci
Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:31 am (PDT)
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, JOHN WROTE TO JIM SAYING:
>....According to your original post you already had your SEL IE private license.
If that is the case and you let your medical expire and never attempted to renew it then you do not need to do anything to fly as a SP...
SA (Special Issuance) is a type of MEDICAL it is NOT a license.
So the question is do you currently have a private pilot license, regardless of status of medical....<
One slight correction to that:
If as John says you ever had your private pilot's license and it hasn't been revoked (for buzzing the Whitehouse or whatever) and you did not fail the last 3rd class medical you took it is still valid as a license to fly any LSA-qualified aircraft without a third class medical as long as you have a valid drivers license with you and are complying with any restrictions on the drivers license (such as must wear corrective glasses).
BUT like all pilots you must be current.
That means you must have taken a checkride within the last two years.
And you have to have made three landings within the last 90 days.
In short, if you have your old license and go get a checkride from a CFI you're good to go. Given that you're rusty the CFI may require you to spend some time (3 hours? 8 hours? whatever it takes to come up to speed where he/she doesn't think you're a hazard to yourself and others in the air. I would tell the checkride CFI that you ONLY intend to fly with Sport Pilot privilages. That means he/she should not be testing you on any instrument navigation or night flight knowledge that sport pilots don't require.
Also rememember that ANYone can go get some hours training (refresher in your case) without any license or medical from ANY CFI willing to take them up in any aircraft the CFI is willing to strap into. You don't need a license or a medical. If you have a license (new, old, student, or whatever -- current or not) you can log those hours as dual time in your log book for whatever that's worth.
If you have a friend who is a pilot who is willing to take you up (for share of the gas or the rental fee) you can get some informal training (it will not be loggable as time for you) to get back some skill.
Seems to me that what you need to do is either find one CFI you understands your situation, get him/her to give you enough refresher to the point he/she is willing to sign you off as having passed a checkride. Or find one to get refresher from and a second one to take you on a checkride.
Finally: If you aren't considering or able to purchase a LSA or join a real flying club that owns an LSA check around carefully that there REALLY are some airports/FBOs that have LSA legal aircraft available to rent and what THEIR restrictions on who they will rent to!
In my areas there isn't within 150 miles a single FBO or flying club that has an LSA for rental use. In a situation like that someone with either a hard earned sport pilot license or with their current Private Pilot's license and their driver's license will find, as I did, that their sport pilot right to fly an LSA is useless.
If that's your situation getting your license current will be a waste of time and money as you won't find anything you can fly unless you buy our own LSA.
A few cities have LSA's for rent. Seattle does. Some are very new slick aircraft at reasonable rental rates.
But in fact the vast majority of FBOs that rent aircraft don't have an LSA -- mostly older Cessnas. Even the 150 isn't LSA/sport pilot legal.
- 1.3.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "circicirci" circicirci
Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:34 am (PDT)
By the way:
Acorrding to one of the aeromedical experts I spoke to:
If you EVER had ANY cancer (with the possible exception of some skin cancers) -- even 40 years ago and are completely cured with no hint of any problems from it ever -- the local aeromedical examiner can NOT pass you. He/she must kick your application up the chain to the FAA and they WILL make you jump through time consuming and expensive hoops to get approved.
If an applicant does not mention the cancer in their application and it ever comes to the attention of the FAA (a reference to it in some other medical record of yours) they will revoke your license. One expert on this topic told me the FAA has even revoked licenses for such ommissions in cases where the ommission was clearly both minor and unintentional.
- 1.4.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Shanahan" jimshanahan707
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:18 am (PDT)
..thanks for the info !
____________ _________ _________ __
____________ _________ _________ __
From: A. Censor <acensor@fastmail. fm>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 1:24 PM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: 3rd Class medical
You wrote, in part
"I will
take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA of just my private?
Would like some opinions as I just keep going round and round in my own
Bad plan. In case a dozen
others haven't already told you this:
Once you fail a medical,
or EVEN withdraw from completing it once initiated, you can NOT ever fly as
a pilot (sport pilot or otherwise) without passing it.
Given what you said, unless
you're damn near 100% confident you'll pass that aeromedical class-3, I'd say
don't take it.
There are a number of
services of aeromedical examiner-types that will analyze your situation and tell
you whether in their opinion you'd be a slam dunk to pass, questionable, or a
certain rejection.
These folks/doctors (see
link below) will give you by email, phone, or other ways a low cost
consultation about issues for passing (confidential if you wish) before taking a
medical or after being denied regarding appeals etc.
https://aviationmed index.cfm? fuseaction= home
I believe AOPA offers a
similar consultation for free if you're an AOPA member.
When you say "go LSA" I'm
sure what you mean is "go for the Sport Pilot license."
- 1.5.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Shanahan" jimshanahan707
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:20 am (PDT)
Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical problem has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP ticket. I would NOT have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in the future. This is all about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have a valid 3rd class...why would a SP be better than a private? If I go with the private I can fly SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants the medical,I do not have a choice if I want to fly anything. I have not formally applied for anything yet, this is all oral so far. My thinking was it's better to have the private as I have more choices BUT wanted some other opinions...
____________ _________ _________ __
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From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@yahoo. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about one person that you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash dummy. By their own rules they can't require you to get a third class medical to fly as a sport pilot.
--- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com> wrote:
>From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
>Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
>To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
>Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
>I am not understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread. Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and then the doc couldn’t issue it? Have you had a physical revoked? As far as I know, if the answers to all those questions are “No�, then you can fly as a SP simply using a drivers license. I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by SA. Sport Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many reasons for flying a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs, Taylorcrafts, and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are you going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do that? I thought they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t making sense here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket of worms by asking the FAA a question that didn’t need to be asked. This is why I always recommend talking to an examiner and letting him call the FAA for you and he can
then say, “Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy who......� I done that for people.
>From: Jim Shanahan
>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
>To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
>Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
>...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we spoke about
this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
>>__________ _________ _________ ____
>___________ _________ _________ ___
> From: Richard Williams <rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
>To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
>Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
>You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after cancer?
>You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
>get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
>You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
>Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
>training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
>training/transitio n time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
>flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
>rules and regulations.
>R. Williams
>---------- Original Message -----------
>From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com>
>To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
>Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
>> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
>> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
>> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
>> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
>> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
>> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
>> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
>> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
>> the cost of a new LSA.
The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
>> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
>> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
>> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
>------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.6.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Shanahan" jimshanahan707
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:20 am (PDT) typo...SP NOT SA...the regs for SA require you speak English, my speech is not as clear as a normal English speaking
person's...I can make myself understood with few problems. This area has caused the FAA examiner I spoke with to call the FAA for their opinion on the speech requirement for ANY lic, SP included...the FAA told him they would request a 3rd class medical ONE time and only one time,to get the SP lic.,
____________ _________ _________ __
____________ _________ _________ __
From: apollonorthamerica <apollonorthamerica@>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
What is SA?
Sport Pilot license (SP) does not require a 3rd class medical. You use the driver's license and your common sense decision making as your medical. FAA can't tell you you need a 3rd class medical for SP unless you have "failed" that medical before.
If you have failed then yes of course now they know you had a problem and won't allow you to just use your driver's license as medical. You have to get the 3rd class medical back. This is how its always been
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@ ...> wrote:
> ...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we spoke
> this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> Â
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Richard Williams <rkwill@...>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Â
> Bobs,
> You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after cancer?
> You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
> get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
> flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
> rules and regulations.
> R. Williams
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: "Bobs" <jimshanahan707@ ...>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> > life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> > want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> > from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> > speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> > 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> > medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> > want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> > the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> > !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> > of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> > round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> ------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.7.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Shanahan" jimshanahan707
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:21 am (PDT) is required that you SPEAK English,clearly, to fly...I speak English a bit less than clearly...that is the question on my don't need to speak to drive a car but you must to fly. That is the entire issue and what appears to be a CYA, get a Doc to say you speak fine and I'm good to go. I would not fly until I was very comfortable with hours w/ my CFI ..
____________ _________ _________ __
____________ _________ _________ __
From: circicirci <acensor@fastmail. fm>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, JOHN WROTE TO JIM SAYING:
>....According to your original post you already had your SEL IE private license.
If that is the case and you let your medical expire and never attempted to renew it then you do not need to do anything to fly as a SP...
SA (Special Issuance) is a type of MEDICAL it is NOT a license.
So the question is do you currently have a private pilot license, regardless of status of medical....<
One slight correction to that:
If as John says you ever had your private pilot's license and it hasn't been revoked (for buzzing the Whitehouse or whatever) and you did not fail the last 3rd class medical you took it is still valid as a license to fly any LSA-qualified aircraft without a third class medical as long as you have a valid drivers license with you and are complying with any restrictions on the drivers license (such as must wear corrective glasses).
BUT like all pilots you must be current.
That means you must have taken a checkride within the last two years.
And you have to have made three landings within the last 90 days.
In short, if you have your old license and go get a checkride from a CFI you're good to go. Given that you're rusty the CFI may require you to spend some time (3 hours? 8 hours? whatever it takes to come up to speed where he/she doesn't think you're a hazard to yourself and others in the air. I would tell the checkride CFI that you ONLY intend to fly with Sport Pilot privilages. That means he/she should not be testing you on any instrument navigation or night flight knowledge that sport pilots don't require.
Also rememember that ANYone can go get some hours training (refresher in your case) without any license or medical from ANY CFI willing to take them up in any aircraft the CFI is willing to strap into. You don't need a license or a medical. If you have a license (new, old, student, or whatever -- current or not) you can log those hours as dual time in your log book for whatever that's worth.
If you have a friend who is a pilot who is willing to take you up (for share of the gas or the rental fee) you can get some informal training (it will not be loggable as time for you) to get back some skill.
Seems to me that what you need to do is either find one CFI you understands your situation, get him/her to give you enough refresher to the point he/she is willing to sign you off as having passed a checkride. Or find one to get refresher from and a second one to take you on a checkride.
Finally: If you aren't considering or able to purchase a LSA or join a real flying club that owns an LSA check around carefully that there REALLY are some airports/FBOs that have LSA legal aircraft available to rent and what THEIR restrictions on who they will rent to!
In my areas there isn't within 150 miles a single FBO or flying club that has an LSA for rental use. In a situation like that someone with either a hard earned sport pilot license or with their current Private Pilot's license and their driver's license will find, as I did, that their sport pilot right to fly an LSA is useless.
If that's your situation getting your license current will be a waste of time and money as you won't find anything you can fly unless you buy our own LSA.
A few cities have LSA's for rent. Seattle does. Some are very new slick aircraft at reasonable rental rates.
But in fact the vast majority of FBOs that rent aircraft don't have an LSA -- mostly older Cessnas. Even the 150 isn't LSA/sport pilot legal.
- 1.8.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Shanahan" jimshanahan707
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:21 am (PDT)
...well that's not good...more stuff to consider...I beat cancer, I can beat paperwork...
____________ _________ _________ __
____________ _________ _________ __
From: circicirci <acensor@fastmail. fm>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
By the way:
Acorrding to one of the aeromedical experts I spoke to:
If you EVER had ANY cancer (with the possible exception of some skin cancers) -- even 40 years ago and are completely cured with no hint of any problems from it ever -- the local aeromedical examiner can NOT pass you. He/she must kick your application up the chain to the FAA and they WILL make you jump through time consuming and expensive hoops to get approved.
If an applicant does not mention the cancer in their application and it ever comes to the attention of the FAA (a reference to it in some other medical record of yours) they will revoke your license. One expert on this topic told me the FAA has even revoked licenses for such ommissions in cases where the ommission was clearly both minor and unintentional.
- 1.9.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Shanahan" jimshanahan707
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:21 am (PDT)
____________ _________ _________ __
____________ _________ _________ __
From: UltraJohn <japrice@mindspring. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
According to your original post you already had your SEL IE private license.
If that is the case and you let your medical expire and never attempted to
renew it then you do not need to do anything to fly as a SP...
SA (Special Issuance) is a type of MEDICAL it is NOT a license.
So the question is do you currently have a private pilot license, regardless
of status of medical.
On Friday 14 October 2011 11:22:56 am Jim Shanahan wrote:
> ...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA
> or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the
> first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm
> kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for
> private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private
> before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just
> asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would
> you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers,
> cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known
> strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot
> of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The
> FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the
> SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which
> BTW he understood as we spoke about this. So now the FAA is involved and
> wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so
> what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a
> valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within
> the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is
> ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people
> :).
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Richard Williams <rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Bobs,
> You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after
> cancer?
> You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end
> to get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you
> will be flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all
> the latest rules and regulations.
> R. Williams
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: "Bobs" <jimshanahan707@>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> > life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> > want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> > from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> > speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> > 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> > medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> > want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> > the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> > !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> > of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> > round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> ------- End of Original Message -------
------------ --------- --------- ------
Yahoo! Groups Links
http://docs. info/terms/ - 1.10.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jim Bair" jim_bair
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:29 am (PDT)
My opinions:
1. I think your examiner is wrong. I have never seen anything in the regs that says the FAA will require a medical. Yes, there is a question on the 8710-11 that covers the English speaking requirement. You fill it out as you think it should be filled out. I suspect that you speak well enough to get a drivers license, therefore... .
2. SP is better than private for those people who do not want to get (or can’t get) a medic
3. Yes, with a PP you can fly all LSA, with PP privileges and with SP privileges after your medical expires.
Personally, if flying fixed wing and I could get a medical, I would definitely go PP because you have many more options as to what to fly. But that’s just me. Opinions vary. Some people have no desire to have the option to fly a 4 seater, or get an instrument rating, etc.
Jim B.
From: Jim Shanahan
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:26 PM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical problem has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP ticket. I would NOT have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in the future. This is all about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have a valid 3rd class...why would a SP be better than a private? If I go with the private I can fly SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants the medical,I do not have a choice if I want to fly anything. I have not formally applied for anything yet, this is all oral so far. My thinking was it's better to have the private as I have more choices BUT wanted some other opinions...
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@yahoo. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about one person that you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash dummy. By their own rules they can't require you to get a third class medical to fly as a sport pilot.
--- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com> wrote:
From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
I am not understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread. Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and then the doc couldn’t issue it? Have you had a physical revoked? As far as I know, if the answers to all those questions are “No�, then you can fly as a SP simply using a drivers license. I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by SA. Sport Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many reasons for flying a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs, Taylorcrafts, and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are you going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do that? I thought they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t making sense here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket of worms by asking the FAA a question that didn’t need to be asked. This is why I always recommend talking to an examiner and letting him call the FAA for you and he can then say, “Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy who......� I done that for people.
From: Jim Shanahan
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we spoke about this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
From: Richard Williams <rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after cancer?
You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
rules and regulations.
R. Williams
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com>
To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.11.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "" medicb77
Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:32 pm (PDT)
Can't be any worse then all the foreign nationals from China over here
training driving the ATC crazy trying to understand them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft <Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 11:29 am
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
My opinions:
1. I think your examiner is wrong. I have never seen anything in the
regs that says the FAA will require a medical. Yes, there is a
question on the 8710-11 that covers the English speaking requirement.
You fill it out as you think it should be filled out. I suspect that
you speak well enough to get a drivers license, therefore... .
2. SP is better than private for those people who do not want to get
(or can’t get) a medic
3. Yes, with a PP you can fly all LSA, with PP privileges and with SP
privileges after your medical expires.
Personally, if flying fixed wing and I could get a medical, I would
definitely go PP because you have many more options as to what to fly.
But that’s just me. Opinions vary. Some people have no desire to have
the option to fly a 4 seater, or get an instrument rating, etc.
Jim B.
From: Jim Shanahan
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:26 PM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped
flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs
require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical
problem has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA
wants me to pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP
ticket. I would NOT have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in
the future. This is all about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have
a valid 3rd class...why would a SP be better than a private? If I go
with the private I can fly SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants
the medical,I do not have a choice if I want to fly anything. I have
not formally applied for anything yet, this is all oral so far. My
thinking was it's better to have the private as I have more choices BUT
wanted some other opinions...
From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@yahoo. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about
one person that you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash
dummy. By their own rules they can't require you to get a third
class medical to fly as a sport pilot.
--- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com> wrote:
From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
I am not
understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread.
Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and
then the doc couldn’t issue it? Have you had a physical
revoked? As far as I know, if the answers to all those questions
are “No�, then you can fly as a SP simply using a drivers license.
I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by SA. Sport
Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many reasons for flying
a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs, Taylorcrafts,
and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are you
going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do that? I
thought they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t
making sense here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket
of worms by asking the FAA a question that didn’t need to be
asked. This is why I always recommend talking to an examiner and
letting him call the FAA for you and he can then say,
“Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy who......� I done
that for people.
From: Jim Shanahan
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class
...the FAA wants me to pass a
3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was
going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first
place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech.
What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the
check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to
qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get
the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a
private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The
planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers,
cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known
strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning
on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for
either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class
medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted
FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we
spoke about this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the
medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but
so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no
need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc
to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner
wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the
advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
From: Richard Williams
<rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk
now, after cancer?
You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months
and $$$ on end to
get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+
hours of
training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft
that you will be
flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with
all the latest
rules and regulations.
R. Williams
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshana han707%40yahoo. com>
To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three
> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs
later and I
> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of
clean tests
> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me
with some
> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me
to pass a
> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with
NO future
> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why
would I
> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper
180 for half
> the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr
less than a 172
> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then
should I go LSA
> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just
keep going
> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.12.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Lyle Cox" hanginoutinhotels
Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:45 pm (PDT)
In reality…the speak English or even hear English is a silly requirement. Radio communications is not a requirement for SP or even PPL flight… long as you avoid needing to talk to ATC.
From: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Jim Shanahan
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 11:50 AM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical is required that you SPEAK English,clearly, to fly...I speak English a bit less than clearly...that is the question on my don't need to speak to drive a car but you must to fly. That is the entire issue and what appears to be a CYA, get a Doc to say you speak fine and I'm good to go. I would not fly until I was very comfortable with hours w/ my CFI ..
From: circicirci <acensor@fastmail. fm>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com <mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com> , JOHN WROTE TO JIM SAYING:
>....According to your original post you already had your SEL IE private license.
If that is the case and you let your medical expire and never attempted to renew it then you do not need to do anything to fly as a SP...
SA (Special Issuance) is a type of MEDICAL it is NOT a license.
So the question is do you currently have a private pilot license, regardless of status of medical....<
One slight correction to that:
If as John says you ever had your private pilot's license and it hasn't been revoked (for buzzing the Whitehouse or whatever) and you did not fail the last 3rd class medical you took it is still valid as a license to fly any LSA-qualified aircraft without a third class medical as long as you have a valid drivers license with you and are complying with any restrictions on the drivers license (such as must wear corrective glasses).
BUT like all pilots you must be current.
That means you must have taken a checkride within the last two years.
And you have to have made three landings within the last 90 days.
In short, if you have your old license and go get a checkride from a CFI you're good to go. Given that you're rusty the CFI may require you to spend some time (3 hours? 8 hours? whatever it takes to come up to speed where he/she doesn't think you're a hazard to yourself and others in the air. I would tell the checkride CFI that you ONLY intend to fly with Sport Pilot privilages. That means he/she should not be testing you on any instrument navigation or night flight knowledge that sport pilots don't require.
Also rememember that ANYone can go get some hours training (refresher in your case) without any license or medical from ANY CFI willing to take them up in any aircraft the CFI is willing to strap into. You don't need a license or a medical. If you have a license (new, old, student, or whatever -- current or not) you can log those hours as dual time in your log book for whatever that's worth.
If you have a friend who is a pilot who is willing to take you up (for share of the gas or the rental fee) you can get some informal training (it will not be loggable as time for you) to get back some skill.
Seems to me that what you need to do is either find one CFI you understands your situation, get him/her to give you enough refresher to the point he/she is willing to sign you off as having passed a checkride. Or find one to get refresher from and a second one to take you on a checkride.
Finally: If you aren't considering or able to purchase a LSA or join a real flying club that owns an LSA check around carefully that there REALLY are some airports/FBOs that have LSA legal aircraft available to rent and what THEIR restrictions on who they will rent to!
In my areas there isn't within 150 miles a single FBO or flying club that has an LSA for rental use. In a situation like that someone with either a hard earned sport pilot license or with their current Private Pilot's license and their driver's license will find, as I did, that their sport pilot right to fly an LSA is useless.
If that's your situation getting your license current will be a waste of time and money as you won't find anything you can fly unless you buy our own LSA.
A few cities have LSA's for rent. Seattle does. Some are very new slick aircraft at reasonable rental rates.
But in fact the vast majority of FBOs that rent aircraft don't have an LSA -- mostly older Cessnas. Even the 150 isn't LSA/sport pilot legal.
- 1.13.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Richard Williams" rkwill98356
Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:43 pm (PDT)
You already have the private pilot license, that does not expire.
I would recommend finding a CFI that actually knows the SP regs rather than the
current one that (seems) to be either uninformed or believes the SP requirements
are inadequate.
Right now, you can get some refresher/transitio n training and fly a LSA aircraft
with NO medical, just your drivers license.
I suspect the cancer will be a major stumbling block for getting a 3rd class
medical, then you would have failed a medical, then you cannot fly at all.
Avoid that problem.
get the refresher/transitio n training and fly a LSA aircraft.
R. Williams
---------- Original Message -----------
From: Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@>
To: "Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com" <Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:26:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped
> flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs
> require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical
> problem has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA
> wants me to pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP
> ticket. I would NOT have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in
> the future. This is all about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have
> a valid 3rd class...why would a SP be better than a private? If I go
> with the private I can fly SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants
> the medical,I do not have a choice if I want to fly anything. I have
> not formally applied for anything yet, this is all oral so far. My
> thinking was it's better to have the private as I have more choices
> BUT wanted some other opinions...
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@yahoo. com>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about one person
> that you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash dummy. By
> their own rules they can't require you to get a third class medical to
> fly as a sport pilot.
> --- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com> wrote:
> >From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
> >
> >
> >
> >I am not understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread. Have
you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and then the doc couldn’t
issue it? Have you had a physical revoked? As far as I know, if the answers to
all those questions are “No�, then you can fly as a SP simply using a drivers
license. I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by SA. Sport Aircraft?
If so, a Private Pilot can have many reasons for flying a LSA. Personal
choice. Many guys owned Cubs, Taylorcrafts, and Champs before SP came along.
(Me for one.) Why are you going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do
that? I thought they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t making
sense here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket of worms by asking
the FAA a question that didn’t need to be asked. This is why I always recommend
talking to an examiner and letting him call the FAA for you and he can
> then say, “Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy
> who......� I done that for people.
> >
> >Jim
> >
> >From: Jim Shanahan
> >Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> >...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or
private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first
place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking
around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It
appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will
issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify
for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are
newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older
planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning
on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license.
The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the
SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he
understood as we spoke about
> this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no
> problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only
> want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA
> lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set.
> The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all
> the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> >
> >
> >
> >>__________ _________ _________ ____
> >
> >
> >
> >___________ _________ _________ ___
> > From: Richard Williams <rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> >
> >Bobs,
> >
> >You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after
> >
> >You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
> >get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> >
> >You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> >Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> >training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> >training/transitio n time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
> >flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
> >rules and regulations.
> >
> >R. Williams
> >
> >---------- Original Message -----------
> >From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com>
> >To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
> >Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> >Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> >> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> >> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> >> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> >> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> >> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> >> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> >> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> >> the cost of a new LSA.
> The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> >> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> >> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> >> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> >------- End of Original Message -------
> >
> >
> >
> >
------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.14.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Richard Williams" rkwill98356
Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:43 pm (PDT)
I think you need not worry too much about the clear english speaking ability.
If you listen to the radio chatter at most any busy airport, you will hear lots
of pilots that are obviously using english as their third language and/or have
accents that could not be cut with a carving knife.
R. Williams
---------- Original Message -----------
From: Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@>
To: "Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com" <Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:49:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> is required that you SPEAK English,clearly, to fly...I speak
> English a bit less than clearly...that is the question on my
> don't need to speak to drive a car but you must to fly.
> That is the entire issue and what appears to be a CYA, get a Doc to
> say you speak fine and I'm good to go. I would not fly until I was
> very comfortable with hours w/ my CFI ..
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: circicirci <acensor@fastmail. fm>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:45 AM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> --- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, JOHN WROTE TO JIM SAYING:
> >....According to your original post you already had your SEL IE private license.
> If that is the case and you let your medical expire and never
> attempted to renew it then you do not need to do anything to fly as a
> SP... SA (Special Issuance) is a type of MEDICAL it is NOT a license.
> So the question is do you currently have a private pilot license,
> regardless of status of medical....<
> One slight correction to that:
> If as John says you ever had your private pilot's license and it
> hasn't been revoked (for buzzing the Whitehouse or whatever) and you
> did not fail the last 3rd class medical you took it is still valid as
> a license to fly any LSA-qualified aircraft without a third class
> medical as long as you have a valid drivers license with you and are
> complying with any restrictions on the drivers license (such as must
> wear corrective glasses). BUT like all pilots you must be current.
> That means you must have taken a checkride within the last two years.
> And you have to have made three landings within the last 90 days.
> In short, if you have your old license and go get a checkride from a
> CFI you're good to go. Given that you're rusty the CFI may require you
> to spend some time (3 hours? 8 hours? whatever it takes to come up to
> speed where he/she doesn't think you're a hazard to yourself and
> others in the air. I would tell the checkride CFI that you ONLY intend
> to fly with Sport Pilot privilages. That means he/she should not be
> testing you on any instrument navigation or night flight knowledge
> that sport pilots don't require.
> Also rememember that ANYone can go get some hours training (refresher
> in your case) without any license or medical from ANY CFI willing to
> take them up in any aircraft the CFI is willing to strap into. You
> don't need a license or a medical. If you have a license (new, old,
> student, or whatever -- current or not) you can log those hours as
> dual time in your log book for whatever that's worth.
> If you have a friend who is a pilot who is willing to take you up (for
> share of the gas or the rental fee) you can get some informal training
> (it will not be loggable as time for you) to get back some skill.
> Seems to me that what you need to do is either find one CFI you
> understands your situation, get him/her to give you enough refresher
> to the point he/she is willing to sign you off as having passed a
> checkride. Or find one to get refresher from and a second one to take
> you on a checkride.
> Finally: If you aren't considering or able to purchase a LSA or join a
> real flying club that owns an LSA check around carefully that there
> REALLY are some airports/FBOs that have LSA legal aircraft available
> to rent and what THEIR restrictions on who they will rent to!
> In my areas there isn't within 150 miles a single FBO or flying club
> that has an LSA for rental use. In a situation like that someone with
> either a hard earned sport pilot license or with their current Private
> Pilot's license and their driver's license will find, as I did, that
> their sport pilot right to fly an LSA is useless.
> If that's your situation getting your license current will be a waste
> of time and money as you won't find anything you can fly unless you
> buy our own LSA.
> A few cities have LSA's for rent. Seattle does. Some are very new
> slick aircraft at reasonable rental rates. But in fact the vast
> majority of FBOs that rent aircraft don't have an LSA -- mostly older
> Cessnas. Even the 150 isn't LSA/sport pilot legal.
> Alex
------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.15.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "UltraJohn" ultrajohn2
Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:52 pm (PDT)
Plain and simple your examiner is WRONG!
You did not fail a medical and it does not matter how long it is since you had
your last! You can fly with a private license under the restrictions of an SP
(no you are not a SP pilot, your still a Private pilot) pilot. All you need is
a currency check-ride.. .
On Saturday 15 October 2011 01:26:03 pm Jim Shanahan wrote:
> Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped
> flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs
> require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical problem
> has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA wants me to
> pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP ticket. I would NOT
> have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in the future. This is all
> about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have a valid 3rd class...why
> would a SP be better than a private? If I go with the private I can fly
> SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants the medical,I do not have a
> choice if I want to fly anything. I have not formally applied for anything
> yet, this is all oral so far. My thinking was it's better to have the
> private as I have more choices BUT wanted some other opinions...
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@yahoo. com>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about one person that
> you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash dummy. By their own
> rules they can't require you to get a third class medical to fly as a
> sport pilot.
> --- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com> wrote:
> >From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
> >
> >
> >
> >I am not understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread.
> > Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and then the doc
> > couldn’t issue it? Have you had a physical revoked? As far as I know,
> > if the answers to all those questions are “No�, then you can fly as a SP
> > simply using a drivers license. I also don’t understand exactly what you
> > mean by SA. Sport Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many
> > reasons for flying a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs,
> > Taylorcrafts, and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are
> > you going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do that? I thought
> > they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t making sense
> > here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket of worms by asking
> > the FAA a question that didn’t need to be asked. This is why I always
> > recommend talking to an examiner and letting him call the FAA for you and
> > he can
> then say, “Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy who......� I done
> that for people.
> >
> >Jim
> >
> >From: Jim Shanahan
> >Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> >...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA
> > or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in
> > the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech.
> > What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check
> > ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for
> > private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I
> > was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical,
> > why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less
> > passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known
> > strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot
> > of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license.
> > The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue
> > the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech,
> > which BTW he understood as we spoke about
> this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no
> problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only
> want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA
> lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The
> examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the
> advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> >
> >
> >>__________ _________ _________ ____
> >
> >___________ _________ _________ ___
> > From: Richard Williams <rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> >
> >Bobs,
> >
> >You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after
> > cancer?
> >
> >You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on
> > end to get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> >
> >You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> >Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> >training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> >training/transitio n time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you
> > will be flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with
> > all the latest rules and regulations.
> >
> >R. Williams
> >
> >---------- Original Message -----------
> >From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com>
> >To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
> >Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> >Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> >> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> >> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> >> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> >> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> >> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> >> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> >> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> >> the cost of a new LSA.
> The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> >> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> >> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> >> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> >
> >------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.16.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Ralph Steen" muleflyer
Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:32 pm (PDT)
If you have a PPL and a drivers license then you have a SP ticket. The speech issue can be handled by staying away from ATC, if the DPE could understand you to discuss the issue then you should be able to give position reports
around the airport via radio so ATC might not be a problem . I had a class 111 issue,Stay away from the FAA.Get up to speed on the flying with a CFI, do a BFR and then you are good to go. Your PPL does not expire, no Class111 you are a Sport Pilot, go fly have fun. Keep the pointy end forward and the greasy side down.
____________ _________ _________ __
From: Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@>
To: "Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com" <Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical typo...SP NOT SA...the regs for SA require you speak English, my speech is not as clear as a normal English speaking
person's...I can make myself understood with few problems. This area has caused the FAA examiner I spoke with to call the FAA for their opinion on the speech requirement for ANY lic, SP included...the FAA told him they would request a 3rd class medical ONE time and only one time,to get the SP lic.,
____________ _________ _________ __
____________ _________ _________ __
From: apollonorthamerica <apollonorthamerica@>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
What is SA?
Sport Pilot license (SP) does not require a 3rd class medical. You use the driver's license and your common sense decision making as your medical. FAA can't tell you you need a 3rd class medical for SP unless you have "failed" that medical before.
If you have failed then yes of course now they know you had a problem and won't allow you to just use your driver's license as medical. You have to get the 3rd class medical back. This is how its always been
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@ ...> wrote:
> ...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as
we spoke about
> this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> Â
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Richard Williams <rkwill@...>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Â
> Bobs,
> You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after cancer?
> You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
> get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
> flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
> rules and regulations.
> R. Williams
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: "Bobs" <jimshanahan707@ ...>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> > life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> > want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> > from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> > speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> > 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> > medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> > want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> > the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> > !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> > of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> > round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> ------- End of Original Message -------
- 1.17.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Jay Maynard" k5zc
Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:43 pm (PDT)
On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 10:27:22AM -0700, Jim Shanahan wrote:
> YES....
If you have a private license, and your last medical expired normally, then
you are perfectly legal to go get a flight review (what they call what used
to be called a BFR, now), get checked out in any handy LSA, and go fly under
the sport pilot rules. You DO NOT NEED any further examinations. Period.
This is exactly my situation.
Jay Maynard, K5ZC, PP-ASEL, CFI-SP http://www.conmicro .com
http://jmaynard. livejournal. com http://www.tronguy. net
Fairmont, MN (KFRM) (Yes, that's me!)
AMD Zodiac CH601XLi N55ZC http://www.tronguy. net/N55ZC. shtml
- 1.18.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Reggie" n02ez
Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:50 pm (PDT)
> "Jim Bair" <jimbair@... > wrote:
> My opinions:
> 1. I think your examiner is wrong. I have never seen anything
> in the regs that says the FAA will require a medical.
> Yes, there is a question on the 8710-11 that covers the English >speaking requirement.
> You fill it out as you think it should be filled out.
> I suspect that you speak well enough to get a drivers license, >therefore.. .. > SNIP<
>*********** ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ****
There is a flight school that brings it's foreign students
to KMHV for training when the weather conditions impede flights
over the hill. Most are from Japan, I bet you are more understandable. .
If you take the medical exam, its not because you are required to.
Its too bad that you made the FAA rep aware of your condition.
If the rep gets a burr under his saddle, you won't ever see an
end to the hassle he can cause.
IF there is any chance you could fail any aspect or question
on the medical, DON'T voluntarily take the exam.
Oh, by the way, when your medical records are "nationalized" ,
the FAA will probably ask you to stop by for a chat.
- 1.19.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Helen Woods" hwoods4421
Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:33 pm (PDT)
Guys, as I mentioned in my last post, the general rules for the drivers
license medical do not necessarily apply to someone with a speech
impediment. Jim's DPE may be correct in that he needs a SODA which
involves a 3rd class medical. He needs to contact AFS 610 on Monday for
a definitive answer.
On 10/15/2011 7:50 PM, Reggie wrote:
>> "Jim Bair"<jimbair@ ...> wrote:
>> My opinions:
>> 1. I think your examiner is wrong. I have never seen anything
>> in the regs that says the FAA will require a medical.
>> Yes, there is a question on the 8710-11 that covers the English>speaking requirement.
>> You fill it out as you think it should be filled out.
>> I suspect that you speak well enough to get a drivers license,>therefore. ...> SNIP<
>> ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ***
> There is a flight school that brings it's foreign students
> to KMHV for training when the weather conditions impede flights
> over the hill. Most are from Japan, I bet you are more understandable. .
> If you take the medical exam, its not because you are required to.
> Its too bad that you made the FAA rep aware of your condition.
> If the rep gets a burr under his saddle, you won't ever see an
> end to the hassle he can cause.
> IF there is any chance you could fail any aspect or question
> on the medical, DON'T voluntarily take the exam.
> Oh, by the way, when your medical records are "nationalized" ,
> the FAA will probably ask you to stop by for a chat.
> ------------ --------- --------- ------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 1.20.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "apollonorthamerica" apollonorthamerica
Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:45 pm (PDT)
Your so called examiner needs to be schooled.
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@ ...> wrote:
> Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical problem has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP ticket. I would NOT have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in the future. This is all about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have a valid 3rd class...why would a SP be better than a private? If I go with the private I can fly SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants the medical,I do not have a choice if I want to fly anything. I have not formally applied for anything yet, this is all oral so far. My thinking was it's better to have the private as I have more choices BUT wanted some other opinions...
> Â
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@... >
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Â
> More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about one person that you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash dummy. By their own rules they can't require you to get a third class medical to fly as a sport pilot.
> --- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@... > wrote:
> >From: Jim Bair <jimbair@... >
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
> >
> >
> >Â
> >I am not understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread. Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and then the doc couldn’t issue it? Have you had a physical revoked? As far as I know, if the answers to all those questions are “No�, then you can fly as a SP simply using a drivers license. I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by SA. Sport Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many reasons for flying a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs, Taylorcrafts, and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are you going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do that? I thought they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t making sense here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket of worms by asking the FAA a question that didn’t need to be asked. This is why I always recommend talking to an examiner and letting him call the FAA for you and he can
> then say, “Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy who......â€� I done that for people.Â
> >Â
> >Jim
> >Â
> >From: Jim Shanahan
> >Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >Â
> >Â
> >...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we spoke about
> this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> >
> >Â
> >
> >>__________ _________ _________ ____
> >
> >
> >
> >___________ _________ _________ ___
> > From: Richard Williams <rkwill@...>
> >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> >Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> >Â
> >Bobs,
> >
> >You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after cancer?
> >
> >You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on end to
> >get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> >
> >You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> >Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> >training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> >training/transitio n time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you will be
> >flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with all the latest
> >rules and regulations.
> >
> >R. Williams
> >
> >---------- Original Message -----------
> >From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com>
> >To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
> >Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> >Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> >> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> >> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> >> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> >> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> >> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> >> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> >> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> >> the cost of a new LSA.
> The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> >> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> >> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> >> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> >------- End of Original Message -------
> >
> >
> >
> >
- 1.21.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "apollonorthamerica" apollonorthamerica
Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:57 pm (PDT)
Remember with a SP license you are not even technically required to talk on the radio as a basic SP is not expected to go into towered airports unless he receives controlled airspace endorsements. So that whole speak English thing isn't concerning communication with ATC.
You probably speak good enough English and of course you can read and write English as seen on this group.
Unless you plan to bs constantly going into towered airports as a Sport Pilot, you right now can go fly a champ during day time and you are set. You are technically already a SP if you decide to fly an aircraft that meets the definition if a LSA and fly it during the daytime only. Of course the prudent thing would be to take refresher and transition training into a lighter aircraft and get current with a flight review.
--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, UltraJohn <japrice@... > wrote:
> Plain and simple your examiner is WRONG!
> You did not fail a medical and it does not matter how long it is since you had
> your last! You can fly with a private license under the restrictions of an SP
> (no you are not a SP pilot, your still a Private pilot) pilot. All you need is
> a currency check-ride.. .
> John
> On Saturday 15 October 2011 01:26:03 pm Jim Shanahan wrote:
> > Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just stopped
> > flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA regs
> > require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical problem
> > has caused some speech limitations. According to him the FAA wants me to
> > pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP ticket. I would NOT
> > have to renew my medical to keep the SP current in the future. This is all
> > about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I have a valid 3rd class...why
> > would a SP be better than a private? If I go with the private I can fly
> > SA...According to my examiner the FAA wants the medical,I do not have a
> > choice if I want to fly anything. I have not formally applied for anything
> > yet, this is all oral so far. My thinking was it's better to have the
> > private as I have more choices BUT wanted some other opinions...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> >
> >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@... >
> > To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
> > Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> >
> >
> >
> > More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking about one person that
> > you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA crash dummy. By their own
> > rules they can't require you to get a third class medical to fly as a
> > sport pilot.
> >
> > --- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@... > wrote:
> > >From: Jim Bair <jimbair@... >
> > >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> > >Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >I am not understanding this but maybe I missed something in the thread.
> > > Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start one and then the doc
> > > couldn’t issue it? Have you had a physical revoked? As far as I know,
> > > if the answers to all those questions are “No�, then you can fly as a SP
> > > simply using a drivers license. I also don’t understand exactly what you
> > > mean by SA. Sport Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many
> > > reasons for flying a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs,
> > > Taylorcrafts, and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are
> > > you going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do that? I thought
> > > they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something isn’t making sense
> > > here. You may have opened a really unnecessary bucket of worms by asking
> > > the FAA a question that didn’t need to be asked. This is why I always
> > > recommend talking to an examiner and letting him call the FAA for you and
> > > he can
> >
> > then say, “Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy who......� I done
> > that for people.
> >
> > >
> > >Jim
> > >
> > >From: Jim Shanahan
> > >Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
> > >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> > >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > >
> > >
> > >...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA
> > > or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in
> > > the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the speech.
> > > What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check
> > > ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for
> > > private before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical regardless, I
> > > was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class medical,
> > > why would you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less
> > > passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known
> > > strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am planning on a lot
> > > of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either license.
> > > The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they will issue
> > > the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the speech,
> > > which BTW he understood as we spoke about
> >
> > this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no
> > problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only
> > want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA
> > lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set. The
> > examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all the
> > advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >>__________ _________ _________ ____
> > >
> > >___________ _________ _________ ___
> > > From: Richard Williams <rkwill@...>
> > >To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> > >Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> > >Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Bobs,
> > >
> > >You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now, after
> > > cancer?
> > >
> > >You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$ on
> > > end to get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> > >
> > >You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> > >Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours of
> > >training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> > >training/transitio n time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that you
> > > will be flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar with
> > > all the latest rules and regulations.
> > >
> > >R. Williams
> > >
> > >---------- Original Message -----------
> > >From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com>
> > >To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com
> > >Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> > >Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > >
> > >> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> > >> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> > >> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> > >> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> > >> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> > >> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> > >> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> > >> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> > >> the cost of a new LSA.
> >
> > The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> >
> > >> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> > >> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> > >> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> > >
> > >------- End of Original Message -------
> >
- 1.22.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Gary" garyo263
Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:22 pm (PDT)
body {word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #ffffff;} This is
the problem with most GA thinking. They are far from
understanding the concept of sport pilot.
Perhaps it is just as well if a person feels this way. If you
just have to do it with GA/CFI advice and FAA approval that is
probably the best way to go..
[:] Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone [:-$]
-----Original message-----
From: Jim Shanahan <jimshanahan707@>
To: "Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com"
<Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 17:27:22 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
From: UltraJohn <japrice@mindspring. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
According to your original post you already had your SEL IE
private license.
If that is the case and you let your medical expire and never
attempted to
renew it then you do not need to do anything to fly as a SP...
SA (Special Issuance) is a type of MEDICAL it is NOT a license.
So the question is do you currently have a private pilot license,
of status of medical.
On Friday 14 October 2011 11:22:56 am Jim Shanahan wrote:
> ...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be
granted, SA
> or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical
thing in the
> first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the
speech. What I'm
> kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do the check
ride for
> private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,medically, for
> before they will issue SA ! I will get the medical
regardless, I was just
> asking IF you qualify for a private SEL w/a 3rd class
medical, why would
> you fly SA? The planes are newer, nicer, slower, less
> cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known
> strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am
planning on a lot
> of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time for either
license. The
> FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class medical before they
will issue the
> SA. My local FAA examiner wanted FAA's opinion due to the
speech, which
> BTW he understood as we spoke about this. So now the FAA is
involved and
> wants the medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do
a bit but so
> what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this time, no
need to keep a
> valid medical with the SA lic. They want a doc to say my
speech is within
> the limits they set. The examiner wants someone else to say my
speech is
> ok. Thanks for all the advise of my situation and misquoting
dead people
> :).
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: Richard Williams <rkwill@lewiscounty. com
<mailto:rkwill@lewiscounty. com> >
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
<mailto:Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Bobs,
> You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk
now, after
> cancer?
> You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months
and $$$ on end
> to get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+
hours of
> training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft
that you
> will be flying to get you back up to speed on flying and
familiar with all
> the latest rules and regulations.
> R. Williams
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: "Bobs" <jimshanahan707@
<mailto:jimshanahan707@> >
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
<mailto:Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com>
> Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three
> > life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later
and I
> > want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of
clean tests
> > from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with
> > speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to
pass a
> > 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO
> > medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why
would I
> > want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180
for half
> > the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less
than a 172
> > !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I
go LSA
> > of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep
> > round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> ------- End of Original Message -------
------------ --------- --------- ------
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- 1.23.
Re: 3rd Class medical
Posted by: "Gary" garyo263
Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:55 pm (PDT)
body {word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #ffffff;} We call
them "student pirates for touch and grow" around here. They do a
good job regardless. It does take a second thought to understand
them sometimes. This is where the pharse used makes it easier to
Why don't you just seek out a sport CFI and see what they think.
Take a ride and with one and see what they say, after all they
are going to have to sign you off before you can do anything
anyway, just like private requires. You will need at least a BFR
to fly anything.
Just a quick way to find out. If they hear anything they can't
handle comfortably then you may not to fly anymore
[:] Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone [:-$]
-----Original message-----
From: medicbill@aol. com
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 18:34:05 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
Can't be any worse then all the foreign nationals from China over
training driving the ATC crazy trying to understand them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Bair
To: Sport_Aircraft
Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 11:29 am
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
My opinions:
1. I think your examiner is wrong. I have never seen
anything in the
regs that says the FAA will require a medical. Yes, there is
question on the 8710-11 that covers the English speaking
You fill it out as you think it should be filled out. I
suspect that
you speak well enough to get a drivers license, therefore... .
2. SP is better than private for those people who do not
want to get
(or can’t get) a medic <> .
3. Yes, with a PP you can fly all LSA, with PP privileges
and with SP
privileges after your medical expires.
Personally, if flying fixed wing and I could get a medical, I
definitely go PP because you have many more options as to what to
But that’s just me. Opinions vary. Some people
have no desire to have
the option to fly a 4 seater, or get an instrument rating, etc.
Jim B.
From: Jim Shanahan
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:26 PM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
Ok, I NEVER failed or failed to complete ANY medical...I just
flying for 20 years. The examiner in my area felt that the FAA
require you understand English and can speak it, my prior medical
problem has caused some speech limitations. According to him the
wants me to pass a 3rd class medical ONCE and only once for a SP
ticket. I would NOT have to renew my medical to keep the SP
current in
the future. This is all about speech PERIOD. My question was IF I
a valid 3rd class...why would a SP be better than a private? If I
with the private I can fly SA...According to my examiner the FAA
the medical,I do not have a choice if I want to fly anything. I
not formally applied for anything yet, this is all oral so far.
thinking was it's better to have the private as I have more
choices BUT
wanted some other opinions...
From: Roger Poyner <rogpoyn@yahoo. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
More commonly when you say the FAA you are talking
one person that you talked to. This one sounds like the FAA
dummy. By their own rules they can't require you to get a
class medical to fly as a sport pilot.
--- On Fri, 10/14/11, Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com> wrote:
From: Jim Bair <jimbair@live. com>
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:42 PM
I am not
understanding this but maybe I missed something in the
Have you ever not passed a physical? Did you start
one and
then the doc couldn’t issue it? Have you had a
revoked? As far as I know, if the answers to all those
are “No�, then you can fly as a SP simply using a
drivers license.
I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by SA.
Aircraft? If so, a Private Pilot can have many reasons for
a LSA. Personal choice. Many guys owned Cubs,
and Champs before SP came along. (Me for one.) Why are
going to the FAA for a SP rating? Will they even do
that? I
thought they had turned all that over to DPEs. Something
making sense here. You may have opened a really unnecessary
of worms by asking the FAA a question that didn’t need to
asked. This is why I always recommend talking to an examiner
letting him call the FAA for you and he can then say,
“Hypothetically speaking, if I know this guy
who......� I done
that for people.
From: Jim Shanahan
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:22 AM
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class
...the FAA wants me to pass
3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted, SA or private.
I was
going for the SA to avoid the whole medical thing in the
place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the
What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just
do the
check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to
qualify,medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will
the medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a
private SEL w/a 3rd class medical, why would you fly
SA? The
planes are newer, nicer, slower, less passengers,
cheaper(little) to rent and the older planes are known
strength/weaknesses . I have not flown in years so I am
on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time
either license. The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class
medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner
FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we
spoke about this. So now the FAA is involved and wants
medical. OK, I have no problem with that, well I do a bit
so what. The FAA said they only want me to pass this
time, no
need to keep a valid medical with the SA lic. They want a
to say my speech is within the limits they set. The
wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all
advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).
From: Richard Williams
<rkwill@lewiscounty. com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class
You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take
the risk
now, after cancer?
You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for
and $$$ on end to
get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+
hours of
training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get
training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft
that you will be
flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar
all the latest
rules and regulations.
R. Williams
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Bobs" <mailto:jimshanahan 707%40yahoo. com
<> >
To: mailto:Sport_ Aircraft% 40yahoogroups. com <40yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class
> Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical.
> life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs
later and I
> want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs
clean tests
> from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me
with some
> speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants
to pass a
> 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem
NO future
> medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why
would I
> want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used
180 for half
> the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr
less than a 172
> !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then
should I go LSA
> of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just
keep going
> round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
------- End of Original Message -------
------------ --------- --------- ------
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- 2.
The case of Jim Shanahan
Posted by: "Helen Woods" hwoods4421
Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:46 am (PDT)
OK folks, I think I've finally figured out what is going on here with
our friend Jim. He has a PPL bu the concern is over his ability to
speak English. In the FARs the "drivers license medical" doesn't cover
a pilot who cannot speak. "Read, speak, and understand English" is a
requirement for sport pilots as well as private pilots.
I had several deaf pilots call last winter to inquire about flight
lessons and got into this in depth. A deaf pilot who can read lips and
speak English can hop through the same hoops as the rest of us to get a
SPL. However a deaf pilot who cannot read lips or speak English needs a
SODA (statement of demonstrated ability) to complete flight training.
Issuance of such is associated with issuance of a 3rd class medical.
The question we have here is whether or not an already rated pilot who
looses his ability to speak needs a SODA to complete his BFR. I do not
know the answer to that off hand.
Jim, DPEs are not the authority on this issue. The person you need to
speak to is Jay Tevis at AFS 610, (FAA LSA OK City). Before proceeding
any further on this, I recommend that you contact him at
Jay.Tevis@faa. gov Jay can give you a definitive answer on this.
Good luck!
- 3.
Light Sport Aircraft on FaceBook
Posted by: "Rex" gilan34711
Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:41 pm (PDT)
Our LSA group on FaceBook has been upgraded to the new format.
https://www. facebook. com/groups/ 76088584704/
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