Jim wrote --
Make sure your instructor is a CFI. If he/she has only a sport pilot instructor's certificate your time will not count towards a PP ticket.
Make sure your instructor is a CFI. If he/she has only a sport pilot instructor's certificate your time will not count towards a PP ticket.
Jimmy and Ron,
I believe that issue -- can sport pilot dual-time training from a sport pilot instructor count toward a later private pilot license -- is (pardon the pun) up in the air. And MAY change.
But in any case once you obtain your sport pilot license accrued sport pilot flight time counts toward the private pilot requirements.
For example,with your sport pilot license you could go out and do the private pilot required 150mile cross country flight, log it yourself without any instructor approval.
There are IMO many pros and cons about going for sport pilot first -- particularly if you're reasonably sure you later intend to go for the private pilot.requirements.
One of the pros is you can do a hellovalot of flying with a sport pilot license and develop skill and experience to the point where you really don't need much actual skill training from a CFI. As a practical matter you're showing up at that Private Pilot CF,unlike most of his/her students, as really a fully qualified pilot lacking only training in night flight and VOR navigation ..... fully qualified to solo. Only need to learn the few things left out of Sport Pilot.. such as night flying, VOR navigation, high altitude considerations.
On the con side, you will need to later take the private pilot written test and the private pilot oral and flight tests.
They're very similar to the sport pilot written, sport pilot oral and sport pilot flight tests, but you get no "credit" for having previously passed those at the sport pilot level and have to study for and pay for the new tests. So in a certain sense you would have wasted your time and money on doing those at the sport pilot level.
So if someone is not sure if they want to go for sport pilot or private pilot they needn't make the decision right away. Approximately the first 10 to 15 hours of flight training are the same for sport pilot and private pilot. And if they need a medical to go for private pilot they don't need to get than until they're ready to solo. So they can begin your flight lessons and then make a decision after they’ve flown for a few hours.
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