Wednesday, August 7, 2013

RE: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Use of GPS in private pilot cer

A non certified GPS works just as well as a certified one. As long as you keep the data current, there is no problem. Additionally, this is or VFR training. The best item to use  against GPS and any other electronic/mechanical failure is the old tried and true aeronautical chart. I'm never without one. Besides I find it reassuring to look outside and then refer to the chart as an additional reference. 

Charts are inexpensive insurance. In fact my GPS broke 10 years ago and I never replaced it. So I navigate exclusively by charts and dead reckoning. I seldom travel more than 100 miles in any direction. I've memorized most of the area, so I just keep the latest chart(s) with me. Never rely solely on the GPS. I'm not impressed with the new multi color GPS displays. Very confusing. My old Garmin 95 had a little airplane cursor that would move if I was of course. All the info I needed which included air, ground speed and altitude was sufficient. 

Norm Davis


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