--- In Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com, "Lyle Cox" <LyleCox@... > wrote:
.liability is a big one. When Piper can get sued and lose because the courts found the J3 had a faulty design after 50 years.makes ya wonder.
The General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994 changed that for all new airplanes. The limit is now 18 years for manufacturers. Unfortunately it may shift lawsuits more toward mechanics instructors schools etc.
http://www.avweb. com/news/ avlaw/181905- 1.html
http://law.freeadvi ce.com/aviation_ law/aviation_ law/gara1. htm
http://www.aviation lawcorp.com/ content/gaiimune .html
http://avstop. com/History/ needregulations/ act1994.htm
> From: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Peter Walker
> Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 5:22 PM
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Story from EAA's E-Hotline
> Hello
> Health care is one issue but liability is a far greater one. I was developing an engine and the third question after specs and cost was what is your liability cover As a non US based business the expense of that cover is minor Here in Australia you spill coffee and get a burn its no ones fault but yours. Warning or not
> As if 50 000 000 cover makes a better engine or guarantees after sales service
> Peter
> --- On Sun, 1/24/10, Norman Smit <nsmit@...> wrote:
> From: Norman Smit <nsmit@...>
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Story from EAA's E-Hotline
> To: Sport_Aircraft@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 10:59 AM
> A big part of why US manufacturing struggles to compete with overseas countries is simply because in the US companies are expected to subsidize health care. In Europe, every citizen's taxes pays for health care and with a much larger base, you have lower costs and industry isn't responsible for carrying workers' health care. Here, corporate America disproportionately carries that burden. As long as the US clings to a model that dates back to the middle of last century when most people worked in large, structured industry, it will be less and less cost competitive.
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