Friday, October 14, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical

This is incorrect.  A SP license is issued by an examiner, not an instructor.  The instructor may only endorse the applicant for the checkride or if a person is already a SP or higher, then an instructor may give someone a proficiency check to add another category/class.  A separate instructor must train the applicant and endorse him for the PC as well.    You are correct in that the instructor must be qualified in the cat/class he is endorsing.
Jim B.
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical


I do not know what a SA license is.
A SP (Sport Pilot) license can be gotten from a CFI-SP instructor.
That same instructor can also give you ground school and transition training
into your LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) aircraft.

Unfortunately, the CFI-SP has to be 'licensed' for the kind of LSA aircraft that
you are going to be flying.
fixed wing, trike, etc.
For me, A trike pilot, appropriate CFI-SP instructors are rather few and far

R. Williams

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Jim Shanahan <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 08:22:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical

> ...the FAA wants me to pass a 3rd class BEFORE any lic will be granted,
> SA or private. I was going for the SA to avoid the whole medical
> thing in the first place. I have no doubt about passing EXCEPT for the
> speech. What I'm kicking around is should I skip the SA and just do
> the check ride for private? It appears the FAA wants me to qualify,
> medically, for private before they will issue SA ! I will get the
> medical regardless, I was just asking IF you qualify for a private SEL
> w/a 3rd  class medical, why would you fly SA? The planes are newer,
> nicer, slower, less passengers, cheaper(little) to rent and the older
> planes are known strength/weaknesses. I have not flown in years so I
> am planning on a lot of rust in flying and a lot of ground school time
> for either license.  The FAA wants me to have a valid 3rd class
> medical before they will issue the SA. My local FAA examiner wanted
> FAA's opinion due to the speech, which BTW he understood as we spoke about
> this. So now the FAA is involved and wants the medical. OK, I have no
> problem with that, well I do a bit but so what. The FAA said they only
> want me to pass this time, no need to keep a valid medical with the SA
> lic. They want a doc to say my speech is within the limits they set.
> The examiner wants someone else to say my speech is ok. Thanks for all
> the advise of my situation and misquoting dead people :).

> ________________________________
> ________________________________
> From: Richard Williams <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> Bobs,
> You have never failed a 3rd class medical, so why take the risk now,
> after cancer?
> You know the FAA will make you jump through hoops for months and $$$
> on end to get that 3rd class medical after cancer.
> You already meet all the requirements for going LSA.
> Most importantly, you already have your PPL, so no need for 20+ hours
> of training. Although I would strongly suggest that you get some
> training/transition time with an instructor in the LSA aircraft that
> you will be flying to get you back up to speed on flying and familiar
> with all the latest rules and regulations.
> R. Williams
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: "Bobs" <>
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:38:20 -0000
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group 3rd Class medical
> > Ok, I had my private SEL,VFR with a valid medical. Three kids,college,
> > life and no $$$, so I had to stop flying. Almost 20 yrs later and I
> > want to fly again. I am 1 yr from a cancer cure, 4 yrs of clean tests
> > from tongue cancer. The Cancer is all gone BUT left me with some
> > speech limitations, so I am thinking LSA. The FAA wants me to pass a
> > 3rd class medical 1 time, and a LSA lic is no problem with NO future
> > medicals needed. SO, if I can get a 3rd class medical, why would I
> > want the LSA rating?. I can buy a super clean used Piper 180 for half
> > the cost of a new LSA. The rentals of LSAs are $5 @ hr less than a 172
> > !. I will take the medical, hopefully pass, but then should I go LSA
> > of just my private? Would like some opinions as I just keep going
> > round and round in my own mind...thanks Bob
> ------- End of Original Message -------
------- End of Original Message -------


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