Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

This is true but available sport pilot airplanes to rent is nil in most of the country. Many FBO's dont even have a 2 seater for rent  and if anything is available it is a long in the tooth 172 or Warrior. Most of the used airplanes that fall under sport catagory are taildraggers and trying to insure one of those for student training and rental is basicly impossible at any price. I know a whole generation of pilots learned to fly in cubs and champs but that was a different time. I traded my PA22 for the Taylorcraft and that works for me but if I did not own my own I would not be able to fly as a sport pilot.
Lyn Wagner
Taylorcraft BC12-D

I think most people interested in learning to fly go to a PP friend or local FBO for information and as it stands sport is never mentioned. It is touted as DOA as far as the dying flying community is concerned from what I have seen here. They still have recreational pilot they teach and would hope to change your mind to full private along the way, Sport is touted as a glorified Ultralight and not a real pilot. Since there businesses depends on GA for survival with rental and endorsements and doesn't include sport in any way, why even think about it.

I praise people like Helen and her FBO for being the exception to this dilemma.


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

On 09:39 AM 11/29/2011, Robert Danner wrote:

>My point was and still is that it's a little stupid on the FAA's part with this soon to be non medical private pilot license that you would be able to only have a four seater with a 180hp engine,and to be able take yourself and your pet (dog)
> and one friend up at a time.

Well, I don't even think the petition has even been submitted to the FAA yet... and there is no guarantee they will even seriously consider it. So it's a little premature to say "soon to be non medical".

When Sport Pilot was first proposed, the max weight limit was lower than the current 1,320 lbs. People complained that was too low. In the final release, the FAA upp'ed it to the current limits we have now. People then whined that it didn't include C-152s, and similar planes.

At some point, the FAA has to (rightfully) draw a line in the sand.

The same thing is true with any proposal to do away with a medical. At some point, requesters have to be realistic about what they think the FAA will agree too, and the FAA has to (again, rightfully) draw a line in the sand.

I think the current proposal is reasonable.

Bob Comperini
e-mail: bob@fly-ul.com
WWW: http://www.fly-ul.com


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

Good Morning Everyone,

John had it correct when he pointed out what I was talking about
>>> Think of this soon one will be able to get a private pilot without a
>>> medical, and from what I'm reading when you goto get your private
>>> pilot without a medical you will be able to get a four seater with a
>>> 180hp engine, but you are only able to take yourself and your pet (dog)
and one friend up at a time.
The above text is the original text from my e-mail.

My point was and still is that it's a little stupid on the FAA's part with this soon to be non medical private pilot license that you would be able to only have a four seater with a 180hp engine,and to be able take yourself and your pet (dog)
and one friend up at a time.

And as far as sports pilot category goes it's far from being DOA and is very much alive and well and will continue to be a great stepping stone for all people including the disabled to get the new soon to be non medical private pilot license.

Robert Danner

On Nov 29, 2011, at 7:33 AM, UltraJohn wrote:

> Richard
> Go back and re-read his email. Everything you said took him out of context.
> His talking about a 5 place was in respect to a PPSEL when/if the FAA
> approved the PPSEL with driver license.
> As far as SP killing the ILLEGAL part 103 that has been hashed over enough
> already. Part 103 is still available so it has not killed it, it has killed
> the ILLEGAL Part 103 operations.
> This is like saying that the ending of prohibition killed whiskey sale, when
> in reality it didn't it just killed the illegal whiskey industry and in both
> cases the ones that were hurt the most were those profiting from the illegal
> activity!
> John
> On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 08:55:15 am you wrote:
>> Danner,
>> THe FAA has already ruled that a SP certificate does NOT count toward a
>> PPL. You cannot, with a SP certificate, be the pilot of a 4 place.
>> The SP limitations/privileges for number of seats and MTO weight will keep
>> the sport pilot out of a 4 place.
>> IMO:
>> (and the numbers bear this out.)
>> The arrival of SP/LSA killed the fastest growing portion of aviation, I.E.
>> the part 103 flying.
>> True, there were lots of overweight single seat ULs and lots of BFIs flying
>> 2 seat ULs that were not teaching.
>> Nonethless, thousands were flying using part 103.
>> Then came SP/LSA.
>> That eliminated training for ULs,
>> That eliminated the majority of the UL manufactures
>> That killed UL flying.
>> That raised the expense of flying to the point that most could not afford
>> it.
>> Personally, If I had not already learned how to fly and already owned my
>> own craft, just the costs of training and purchase of a e-LSA to complete
>> my training would keep me grounded.
>> R. Williams
>> ---------- Original Message -----------
>> From: Robert Danner <robertcdanner@comcast.net>
>> To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:51:04 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> My name is Robert Danner. I am disabled with a mild case of cerebral
>>> palsy and I'm getting my sports pilot license, I believe that the
>>> sports pilot category is the best thing in a very long time. Even
>>> though for the last 40 plus year that the paralyzed have been able to
>>> fly with hand controls the sport pilot category is making it so other
>>> disabled people like myself has a equal chance to be able to fly. The
>>> most well know disabled non paralyzed person that has a sports pilot
>>> ticket is a girl in her 20's by the name of Jessica Cox and she has no
>>> arms. I'm turning 50 in January and it look like I will be the first
>>> disabled person with cerebral palsy with a sports pilot ticket. I
>>> believe that the sports pilot category is a great thing for everyone
>>> and not just for the disabled. I do not agree with the others that
>>> have said that they believe that the sports pilot is DOA, if anything
>>> it's alive and very well and great stepping stone to getting ones
>>> private pilot.
>>> Think of this soon one will be able to get a private pilot without a
>>> medical, and from what I'm reading when you goto get your private
>>> pilot without a medical you will be able to get a four seater with a
>>> 180hp engine, but you are only able to take yourself and your pet (dog)
>>> and one friend up at a time.
>>> Robert Danner
>>> On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:24 PM, James Ferris wrote:
>> ------- End of Original Message -------
> ------------------------------------
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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

Go back and re-read his email. Everything you said took him out of context.
His talking about a 5 place was in respect to a PPSEL when/if the FAA
approved the PPSEL with driver license.
As far as SP killing the ILLEGAL part 103 that has been hashed over enough
already. Part 103 is still available so it has not killed it, it has killed
the ILLEGAL Part 103 operations.
This is like saying that the ending of prohibition killed whiskey sale, when
in reality it didn't it just killed the illegal whiskey industry and in both
cases the ones that were hurt the most were those profiting from the illegal

On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 08:55:15 am you wrote:
> Danner,
> THe FAA has already ruled that a SP certificate does NOT count toward a
> PPL. You cannot, with a SP certificate, be the pilot of a 4 place.
> The SP limitations/privileges for number of seats and MTO weight will keep
> the sport pilot out of a 4 place.
> IMO:
> (and the numbers bear this out.)
> The arrival of SP/LSA killed the fastest growing portion of aviation, I.E.
> the part 103 flying.
> True, there were lots of overweight single seat ULs and lots of BFIs flying
> 2 seat ULs that were not teaching.
> Nonethless, thousands were flying using part 103.
> Then came SP/LSA.
> That eliminated training for ULs,
> That eliminated the majority of the UL manufactures
> That killed UL flying.
> That raised the expense of flying to the point that most could not afford
> it.
> Personally, If I had not already learned how to fly and already owned my
> own craft, just the costs of training and purchase of a e-LSA to complete
> my training would keep me grounded.
> R. Williams
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: Robert Danner <robertcdanner@comcast.net>
> To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:51:04 -0700
> Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > My name is Robert Danner. I am disabled with a mild case of cerebral
> > palsy and I'm getting my sports pilot license, I believe that the
> > sports pilot category is the best thing in a very long time. Even
> > though for the last 40 plus year that the paralyzed have been able to
> > fly with hand controls the sport pilot category is making it so other
> > disabled people like myself has a equal chance to be able to fly. The
> > most well know disabled non paralyzed person that has a sports pilot
> > ticket is a girl in her 20's by the name of Jessica Cox and she has no
> > arms. I'm turning 50 in January and it look like I will be the first
> > disabled person with cerebral palsy with a sports pilot ticket. I
> > believe that the sports pilot category is a great thing for everyone
> > and not just for the disabled. I do not agree with the others that
> > have said that they believe that the sports pilot is DOA, if anything
> > it's alive and very well and great stepping stone to getting ones
> > private pilot.
> >
> > Think of this soon one will be able to get a private pilot without a
> > medical, and from what I'm reading when you goto get your private
> > pilot without a medical you will be able to get a four seater with a
> > 180hp engine, but you are only able to take yourself and your pet (dog)
> >
> > and one friend up at a time.
> >
> > Robert Danner
> > On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:24 PM, James Ferris wrote:
> ------- End of Original Message -------


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

Richard, actually your first statement is incorrect.  The FAA ruling that I believe that you are referring to referred only to credit for dual instruction given my flight instructors certificated under subpart K of part 61.  The vast majority of flight instructors such as myself are certificated under subpart H.  For a sport pilot who trained under a subpart H instructor all training counts towards a PPL.  For a sport pilot who trained under a subpart K instructor, all solo time as well as total time counts towards a PPL although not dual instruction time.

I expect that latter part to be changed favorably for sport pilots within the next year or so due to the hard work of a number of excellent instructors on this list who worked with AOPA to draft a petition for a rule change which was available for comment this summer.  You did help the cause by submittingd your comments, didn't you?

Your second statement about sport pilots not being able to fly 4 place planes is true but completely irrelevant to Robert's post.  I'm assuming from your comments that you must have been living under a rock this summer and be unaware of the petition that AOPA and EAA are codrafting for the FAA. The petition is basically to do away with the medical requirement for the rec certificate.  That would effectively allow private pilots to exercise recreational pilot privileges (including flying 4 place planes) without a medical certificate.  It would also allow sport pilots to ungrade to rec without a medical. This is something like the 4th or 5th attempt of AOPA and EAA to get this through but since they are now working together and have some data from the sport pilot experience, they have a better shot now at getting this passed than before.

What do both of these positive changes have in common?  People stopped complaining and did something positive to affect change - namely submitted a petition for a rule change.  Admittedly the ultralight situation is bad, but shooting down enthusiastic student pilots on this list is hardly an effective way to bring about change.  Anyone can submit a petition for rule change.  Might I suggest that that be a better output for your creative energies?


On 11/29/2011 8:55 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
 Danner,  THe FAA has already ruled that a SP certificate does NOT count toward a PPL. You cannot, with a SP certificate, be the pilot of a 4 place.   The SP limitations/privileges for number of seats and MTO weight will keep the sport pilot out of a 4 place.  IMO: (and the numbers bear this out.) The arrival of SP/LSA killed the fastest growing portion of aviation, I.E. the part 103 flying. True, there were lots of overweight single seat ULs and lots of BFIs flying 2 seat ULs that were not teaching.   Nonethless, thousands were flying using part 103. Then came SP/LSA. That eliminated training for ULs, That eliminated the majority of the UL manufactures That killed UL flying. That raised the expense of flying to the point that most could not afford it.  Personally, If I had not already learned how to fly and already owned my own craft, just the costs of training and purchase of a e-LSA to complete my training would keep me grounded.   R. Williams     ---------- Original Message ----------- From: Robert Danner <robertcdanner@comcast.net> To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com Sent: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:51:04 -0700 Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!  
Hi Everyone,  My name is Robert Danner. I am disabled with a mild case of cerebral  palsy and I'm getting my sports pilot license, I believe that the  sports pilot category is the best thing in a very long time. Even  though for the last 40 plus year that the paralyzed have been able to  fly with hand controls the sport pilot category is making it so other  disabled people like myself has a equal chance to be able to fly. The  most well know disabled non paralyzed person that has a sports pilot  ticket is a girl in her 20's by the name of Jessica Cox and she has no  arms. I'm turning 50 in January and it look like I will be the first  disabled person with cerebral palsy with a sports pilot ticket. I  believe that the sports pilot category is a great thing for everyone  and not just for the disabled. I do not agree with the others that  have said that they believe that the sports pilot is DOA, if anything  it's alive and very well and great stepping stone to getting ones  private pilot.  Think of this soon one will be able to get a private pilot without a  medical, and from what I'm reading when you goto get your private  pilot without a medical you will be able to get a four seater with a  180hp engine, but you are only able to take yourself and your pet (dog)  and one friend up at a time.  Robert Danner On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:24 PM, James Ferris wrote: 
------- End of Original Message -------    ------------------------------------  Yahoo! Groups Links  <*> To visit your group on the web, go to:     http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sport_Aircraft/  <*> Your email settings:     Individual Email | Traditional  <*> To change settings online go to:     http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sport_Aircraft/join     (Yahoo! ID required)  <*> To change settings via email:     Sport_Aircraft-digest@yahoogroups.com      Sport_Aircraft-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com  <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:     Sport_Aircraft-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com  <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:     http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/   


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!


THe FAA has already ruled that a SP certificate does NOT count toward a PPL.
You cannot, with a SP certificate, be the pilot of a 4 place.
The SP limitations/privileges for number of seats and MTO weight will keep the
sport pilot out of a 4 place.

(and the numbers bear this out.)
The arrival of SP/LSA killed the fastest growing portion of aviation, I.E. the
part 103 flying.
True, there were lots of overweight single seat ULs and lots of BFIs flying 2
seat ULs that were not teaching.
Nonethless, thousands were flying using part 103.
Then came SP/LSA.
That eliminated training for ULs,
That eliminated the majority of the UL manufactures
That killed UL flying.
That raised the expense of flying to the point that most could not afford it.

Personally, If I had not already learned how to fly and already owned my own
craft, just the costs of training and purchase of a e-LSA to complete my
training would keep me grounded.

R. Williams

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Robert Danner <robertcdanner@comcast.net>
To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:51:04 -0700
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

> Hi Everyone,
> My name is Robert Danner. I am disabled with a mild case of cerebral
> palsy and I'm getting my sports pilot license, I believe that the
> sports pilot category is the best thing in a very long time. Even
> though for the last 40 plus year that the paralyzed have been able to
> fly with hand controls the sport pilot category is making it so other
> disabled people like myself has a equal chance to be able to fly. The
> most well know disabled non paralyzed person that has a sports pilot
> ticket is a girl in her 20's by the name of Jessica Cox and she has no
> arms. I'm turning 50 in January and it look like I will be the first
> disabled person with cerebral palsy with a sports pilot ticket. I
> believe that the sports pilot category is a great thing for everyone
> and not just for the disabled. I do not agree with the others that
> have said that they believe that the sports pilot is DOA, if anything
> it's alive and very well and great stepping stone to getting ones
> private pilot.
> Think of this soon one will be able to get a private pilot without a
> medical, and from what I'm reading when you goto get your private
> pilot without a medical you will be able to get a four seater with a
> 180hp engine, but you are only able to take yourself and your pet (dog)
> and one friend up at a time.
> Robert Danner
> On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:24 PM, James Ferris wrote:
------- End of Original Message -------


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Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group domestic seat belt source

I'm trying to track down the manufacture of the harness style seat belts
in some Tecnams and the SportCruiser. Only clue I have so far is
"Textile Engineering."


Any help would be appreciated.



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Monday, November 28, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Robert Danner. I am disabled with a mild case of cerebral palsy and I'm getting my sports pilot license, I believe that the sports pilot category is the best thing in a very long time. Even though for the last 40 plus year that the paralyzed have been able to fly with hand controls the sport pilot category is making it so other disabled people like myself has a equal chance to be able to fly. The most well know disabled non paralyzed person that has a sports pilot ticket is a girl in her 20's by the name of Jessica Cox and she has no arms. I'm turning 50 in January and it look like I will be the first disabled person with cerebral palsy with a sports pilot ticket. I believe that the sports pilot category is a great thing for everyone and not just for the disabled. I do not agree with the others that have said that they believe that the sports pilot is DOA, if anything it's alive and very well and great stepping stone to getting ones private pilot.

Think of this soon one will be able to get a private pilot without a medical, and from what I'm reading when you goto get your private pilot without a medical you will be able to get a four seater with a 180hp engine, but you are only able to take yourself and your pet (dog) and one friend up at a time.

Robert Danner
On Nov 28, 2011, at 3:24 PM, James Ferris wrote:


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

What did Mark Twatine say?? " Lies, Dam Lies and Stastics Or something like that. Looks like that is what it is.
From: Gary <garyo@bak.rr.com>
To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

I think most people interested in learning to fly go to a PP friend or local FBO for information and as it stands sport is never mentioned. It is touted as DOA as far as the dying flying community is concerned from what I have seen here. They still have recreational pilot they teach and would hope to change your mind to full private along the way, Sport is touted as a glorified Ultralight and not a real pilot. Since there businesses depends on GA for survival with rental and endorsements and doesn't include sport in any way, why even think about it.

I praise people like Helen and her FBO for being the exception to this dilemma.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone

-----Original message-----
From: Bob Comperini <bob@fly-ul.com>
Mon, Nov 28, 2011 16:18:29 GMT+00:00
Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

On 02:17 PM 11/24/2011, Kevin wrote:

>Over the holiday weekend, please take a moment and listen to the recording of our conference call with Dan MacDonald.

So I started to listen to the presentation... in it, near the 15:00 mark, Dan talked about statistics, to prove the decline in aviation training.

He talks about 2002 statistics. In 2002, he says there were 67,000 student pilot certificates issued, and 29,000 private pilot certificates issued. Doing the math, he determined that this equated to a "50% dropout rate".

He then quote 2010 statistics. In 2010, he says there were 60,000 student pilot certificates issued, and 15,000 private pilot certificates issued. Again, doing the math, he claims this indicates a whopping 75% dropout rate.

Seems a little flawed to me. Do his numbers include sport pilot student pilot certificates? Do the numbers include sport and recreational pilot certificates issued. The numbers presented appear to be rounded, and not exact.

Exact numbers:


Ok, even when you add in the other statistics to do a proper comparison, the numbers are still "worse than 2002", so I agree there are problems. I don't think "sport pilot" or "light sport aircraft" was mentioned once in the entire presentation. That in itself is ok, but since this is a "sport aircraft" group, I guess I would have expected some discussion about it. I'm just sayin'.

Bob Comperini
e-mail: bob@fly-ul.com
WWW: http://www.fly-ul.com


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

I think most people interested in learning to fly go to a PP friend or local FBO for information and as it stands sport is never mentioned. It is touted as DOA as far as the dying flying community is concerned from what I have seen here. They still have recreational pilot they teach and would hope to change your mind to full private along the way, Sport is touted as a glorified Ultralight and not a real pilot. Since there businesses depends on GA for survival with rental and endorsements and doesn't include sport in any way, why even think about it.

I praise people like Helen and her FBO for being the exception to this dilemma.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone

-----Original message-----
From: Bob Comperini <bob@fly-ul.com>
Mon, Nov 28, 2011 16:18:29 GMT+00:00
Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

On 02:17 PM 11/24/2011, Kevin wrote:

>Over the holiday weekend, please take a moment and listen to the recording of our conference call with Dan MacDonald.

So I started to listen to the presentation... in it, near the 15:00 mark, Dan talked about statistics, to prove the decline in aviation training.

He talks about 2002 statistics. In 2002, he says there were 67,000 student pilot certificates issued, and 29,000 private pilot certificates issued. Doing the math, he determined that this equated to a "50% dropout rate".

He then quote 2010 statistics. In 2010, he says there were 60,000 student pilot certificates issued, and 15,000 private pilot certificates issued. Again, doing the math, he claims this indicates a whopping 75% dropout rate.

Seems a little flawed to me. Do his numbers include sport pilot student pilot certificates? Do the numbers include sport and recreational pilot certificates issued. The numbers presented appear to be rounded, and not exact.

Exact numbers:


Ok, even when you add in the other statistics to do a proper comparison, the numbers are still "worse than 2002", so I agree there are problems. I don't think "sport pilot" or "light sport aircraft" was mentioned once in the entire presentation. That in itself is ok, but since this is a "sport aircraft" group, I guess I would have expected some discussion about it. I'm just sayin'.

Bob Comperini
e-mail: bob@fly-ul.com
WWW: http://www.fly-ul.com


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

On 02:17 PM 11/24/2011, Kevin wrote:

>Over the holiday weekend, please take a moment and listen to the recording of our conference call with Dan MacDonald.

So I started to listen to the presentation... in it, near the 15:00 mark, Dan talked about statistics, to prove the decline in aviation training.

He talks about 2002 statistics. In 2002, he says there were 67,000 student pilot certificates issued, and 29,000 private pilot certificates issued. Doing the math, he determined that this equated to a "50% dropout rate".

He then quote 2010 statistics. In 2010, he says there were 60,000 student pilot certificates issued, and 15,000 private pilot certificates issued. Again, doing the math, he claims this indicates a whopping 75% dropout rate.

Seems a little flawed to me. Do his numbers include sport pilot student pilot certificates? Do the numbers include sport and recreational pilot certificates issued. The numbers presented appear to be rounded, and not exact.

Exact numbers:


Ok, even when you add in the other statistics to do a proper comparison, the numbers are still "worse than 2002", so I agree there are problems. I don't think "sport pilot" or "light sport aircraft" was mentioned once in the entire presentation. That in itself is ok, but since this is a "sport aircraft" group, I guess I would have expected some discussion about it. I'm just sayin'.

Bob Comperini
e-mail: bob@fly-ul.com
WWW: http://www.fly-ul.com


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

RE: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

Terrible grammar. So much for watching TV with the wife and trying to reply on a cell smartphone.




From: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 4:25 PM
To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot


You already to go. You need a license, which you have and a valid drivers license too. The other catch is you to not had your last medical denied or revoked. Your drivers license is your medical now. So don't go for a medical if you think you won't pass it again.

So you are all set to go. Where are you located? Come on over, lets go flying.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

It depends if you failed or stopped in the middle of the process of getting a medical.
If you  have a medical, or have let your medical expire without doing anything all you need is to make sure you have your biannual flight review and you are good to go. You will NOT be a sport pilot but will be flying as a private pilot under sport pilot regulations.
You will be limited to sport pilot limitations, although the restrictions for class c and class d and class b airspace doesn't apply since your ppsel gave you that already.

On 11/27/2011 6:55 PM, Steve wrote:

I'm having a hard time figuring out what training I will need to get a single engine sport pilot rating. I have a private pilot certificate with glider rating. Does anyone know what exactly I will need to fly sport planes? The FAR's aren't very clear.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

Hi Steve. We currently and have in the past work(ed) with a number of
glider pilots to add sport airplane privileges to their certificate.
They basically go through the same syllabus as our initial sport
airplane students however some parts of the syllabus such as basic
aircraft control and landing go much quicker for them. The hardest part
of transitioning a glider pilot to to airplane is getting him out of the
"committed to landing" mindset and retraining him to apply power and go
around when necessary. The rest is fairly simple.

As for the specifics of "what you need" all the FAA requires is that you
received enough training to meet the PTS standards for sport airplane
and take a proficiency check (basically a checkride) with a second CFI
who was not the person who did your initial training. No medical,
written test, or student pilot certificate is required.

At CSP we have an in house written that we give our glider students and
they take their proficiency check with a retired DPE who is on our staff
as a CFI. That way they have no question about having received the same
quality of training as we offer initial airplane students.

Helen Woods, MCFI
Chief Flight Instructor
Chesapeake Sport Pilot, LLC
(410) 604-1717
Factory Authorized SeaRey Training, Sales, and Service Center

On 11/27/2011 6:55 PM, Steve wrote:
> I'm having a hard time figuring out what training I will need to get a single engine sport pilot rating. I have a private pilot certificate with glider rating. Does anyone know what exactly I will need to fly sport planes? The FAR's aren't very clear.
> Thanks in advance.
> ------------------------------------
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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

I reread his mail and I think your right Bob.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone

-----Original message-----
From: Bob Comperini <bob@fly-ul.com>
Mon, Nov 28, 2011 00:36:24 GMT+00:00
Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

I think he's basically asking how to add "airplane single engine land" to his glider privileges. I assume he currently doesn't have SEL on his ticket. If that's the case, then a proficiency check is all that's needed.

Yes, I'm familiar with 14 VFR 61.31(c), but I wouldn't count on always being able to use that.

Bob Comperini
e-mail: bob@fly-ul.com
WWW: http://www.fly-ul.com


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot


I think with your PPL, all you will need is some 'transition'
training, to familiarize you with the target aircraft.
And one or more log book endorsements from your instructor.

A more official detail can be secured from most any sport pilot CFI.

I would suggest contacting tampabayaerosports.com

R. Williams

---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Steve" <fargo001@pacbell.net>
To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:55:39 -0000
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

> I'm having a hard time figuring out what training I will need to get a
> single engine sport pilot rating. I have a private pilot certificate
> with glider rating. Does anyone know what exactly I will need to fly
> sport planes? The FAR's aren't very clear. Thanks in advance.
------- End of Original Message -------


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

I think he's basically asking how to add "airplane single engine land" to his glider privileges. I assume he currently doesn't have SEL on his ticket. If that's the case, then a proficiency check is all that's needed.

Yes, I'm familiar with 14 VFR 61.31(c), but I wouldn't count on always being able to use that.

Bob Comperini
e-mail: bob@fly-ul.com
WWW: http://www.fly-ul.com


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

You already to go. You need a license, which you have and a valid drivers license too. The other catch is you to not had your last medical denied or revoked. Your drivers license is your medical now. So don't go for a medical if you think you won't pass it again.

So you are all set to go. Where are you located? Come on over, lets go flying.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE Phone

-----Original message-----
From: Steve <fargo001@pacbell.net>
Sun, Nov 27, 2011 23:55:39 GMT+00:00
Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

I'm having a hard time figuring out what training I will need to get a single engine sport pilot rating. I have a private pilot certificate with glider rating. Does anyone know what exactly I will need to fly sport planes? The FAR's aren't very clear.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

You already have one if you have a Private Certificate. All you have to
do is get training in the LSA you want to fly. If it is your medical
you are worried about failing as long as you have a drivers license and
have not had your medical denied you can fly as a sport pilot with your
PPL even if you let your medical lapse.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve <fargo001@pacbell.net>
To: Sport_Aircraft <Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Nov 27, 2011 4:04 pm
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider

I'm having a hard time figuring out what training I will need to get a
single engine sport pilot rating. I have a private pilot certificate
with glider rating. Does anyone know what exactly I will need to fly
sport planes? The FAR's aren't very clear.
Thanks in advance.


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Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Sport pilot rating for glider pilot

I'm having a hard time figuring out what training I will need to get a single engine sport pilot rating. I have a private pilot certificate with glider rating. Does anyone know what exactly I will need to fly sport planes? The FAR's aren't very clear.
Thanks in advance.


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Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Some good vids

There are some nice X Air H and Challenge II Videos on the following YouTube site. thought you all might enjoy Just type in...BRN2FLYUL....


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Anti Corrosion / Anti Ice - Interesting new product



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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group We need your help!

Fellow Pilots and Enthusiasts,

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend. We are fortunate have the freedom to be able to enjoy our shared passion of flight. With this freedom also comes a responsibility to ensure that aviation as we know it is available to future generations.

Over the holiday weekend, please take a moment and listen to the recording of our conference call with Dan MacDonald. The link is included at the bottom of this e-mail. This call has already opened many eyes about the current state of our industry. Collectively, we would like your feedback on the call and we would also like to hear your suggestions regarding the future of our industry. In addition to listening to the call, please log on to pilotsleague.com and get involved in the discussion. We would love to have your opinion and ideas.

Thank you very much for your time.

Dan MacDonald Conference Call Link:


Kevin Moberly
League of Pilots


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Message in formation




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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just

But they shoot down the laminar flow airfoil on the wing.

From: Helen Woods <Helen_Woods@verizon.net>
To: Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just

Vortex generators. They lower your stall speed,



On 11/16/2011 5:00 PM, circicirci wrote:
> Hi Helen,
> Pardon what may be showing my ignorance, but what's are VG's?
> --- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Helen Woods<Helen_Woods@...> wrote:
>> There's actually several planes with that issue right now. SportStar
>> and SeaRey solved the problem with VGs.
> ------------------------------------
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Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just

Oh, I knew what vortex generators are.
Just didn't catch that VG was an abreviation for that.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just

And can also increase your cruise speed by keeping the airflow over the wing
instead of moving out the wing and over the end creating vortices's which
increase drag...

On Wednesday 16 November 2011 05:27:13 pm Helen Woods wrote:
> Vortex generators. They lower your stall speed,
> http://www.hallwindmeter.com/images/vortex1.gif
> http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/attachments/aircraft-design-aerody
> namics-new-technology/3517d1243520501-vortex-generators-duck.jpg
> On 11/16/2011 5:00 PM, circicirci wrote:
> > Hi Helen,
> >
> > Pardon what may be showing my ignorance, but what's are VG's?
> >
> > --- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Helen Woods<Helen_Woods@...>
> >> There's actually several planes with that issue right now. SportStar
> >> and SeaRey solved the problem with VGs.
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links


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Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just

Vortex generators. They lower your stall speed,



On 11/16/2011 5:00 PM, circicirci wrote:
> Hi Helen,
> Pardon what may be showing my ignorance, but what's are VG's?
> --- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Helen Woods<Helen_Woods@...> wrote:
>> There's actually several planes with that issue right now. SportStar
>> and SeaRey solved the problem with VGs.
> ------------------------------------
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Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just

Hi Helen,

Pardon what may be showing my ignorance, but what's are VG's?

--- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Helen Woods <Helen_Woods@...> wrote:
> There's actually several planes with that issue right now. SportStar
> and SeaRey solved the problem with VGs.


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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Aircraft Payloads for comparison.

Interesting idea about mpg, Pipistrel aircraft in the 2007 and 2008 Cafe NASA challenge achieved just under 50 mpg at 110 kn, over 65 mpg at 90 kn and of course our latest electric four seater aircraft which won the event only a 6 weeks ago achieved 405 mpg!

"we win in the mpg race!"

--- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, "Alex" <acensor@...> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I agree it would be good to have some "apples to apples"
> comparsion numbers out there in the promotional ads and the
> official specs.
> Similar to your wanting to see numbers that make it easy to
> compare how much it will cost in fuel to stay aloft,
> it would be nice to see numbers comparing how much it would cost
> to fly a certain DISTANCE.
> For example, my neighbor's ELSA uses about 4.5 gallons per hour
> at his typical cruise and mine only 2.5 per hour.
> So clearly in terms of how much it costs to be up there doing
> rubber-necking or practicing technique I'm way ahead of him.
> But in terms of flying from point A to B it takes me at my
> typical cruise of 75 mph 1.2 times as long to get there as him at
> 90mph.
> If he drops down to 75mph he'd probably get 3.5 gallons per hour
> and my apparent advantage of fuel efficiency would not look
> as large as at first glance -- At least not when your object is
> getting from A to B.
> So what I'd like to see --- similar to your useful idea of "fuel
> for 1.5 hours while doing 70 mph".
> would be "miles per gallon at 70 mph"
> "miles per gallon at 80 mph" etc
> and "miles per gallon at 75% power normal cruise"
> It's also interesting to see ****miles per gallon*** as it allows
> a more intuitive comparision to weigh in on the question of
> "drive or fly there" as we're used to knowing our cars' milage.
> My Skyranger calulates out as always in the range of 20 to 30
> miles per gallon.
> The big range of course is coming from what load (just feather
> weight me, or with a sumo wrestler on board) and what cruise
> speed. And of course that doesn't figure in headwinds or
> tailwinds.
> But miles per gallon does give a different and more familiar to
> most way to look at our fuel consumption,
> and is easier for quick off-the-cuff estimates of "do I have
> adaquate fuel to reach point B which is 50 miles away" than
> gallons per hour.
> > As someone suggested it would be nice if the pilot/passenger-
> payloads
> > could be shown with some kind of -standard- amount of fuel so
> that
> > the "large tank" airplanes don't appear to be at a
> disadvantage.
> > Of course that would mean "agreeing on something"... the
> standard,
> > and that's not likely to happen. ;-)
> > eg; I'd suggest "fuel for 1.5 hours while doing 70 mph".
> > (one hour training plus reserve)
> >
> >
> > Mike


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