Sunday, November 13, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group NEW Composite fully equipped LSA trainer from Pipistrel for just $85K

Sorry i dont know which plane your talking about ?

--- In, "Richard Williams" <rkwill@...> wrote:
> Michael,
> Sorry, that is not correct.
> The max payload is 490 pounds.
> usable fuel, drain-able oil, luggage, and the humans are all part of that payload.
> The fuel load, ~144 pounds for 24 gallons, leaves 346 pounds.
> assuming the oil in the engine is 8pounds, leaves 338 pounds.
> Just about enough for 2 FAA standard' weight persons.
> Well, most American men weight are well above that 'FAA standard'.
> The documentation does say that as much as 50 pounds can be put in the
> storage//luggage compartment.
> But we cannot afford the extra weight.
> So, lets say the instructor weights 200 pounds.
> that leaves 146 pounds for the student.
> (assuming they can both crowd into the cockpit, it would be a real cosy fit.)
> Hummmm......
> I guess a cute little lady could qualify as the student without overloading the
> plane.
> There seems to be only one possible conclusion:
> the skycatcher is engineered to make flying more accessible for the female
> population.
> The documentation I read did not mention the seat load limit, but the ASTM
> required min value is 225pounds.
> If my 300pounds were to be training in the skycatcher and the seat did not
> collapse, the instructor would have to stay on the ground.
> the documentation says a full tank will last a bit less than 4 hours.
> If the fuel has to be reduced to accommodate the pilot/instructor, say by half,
> then training time will be ~1.5 hours+plus reserve.
> Touch-n-go practice will eat the fuel at a much higher rate than cruise
> consumption of 6gal./hr.
> I agree with Helen,
> Training plane for solo training.
> R. Williams


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