Monday, April 30, 2012

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: I need help

I love how everyone just assumed that i am a 400 lb couch potato getting frustrated with the world no one even asked what my situation is.
I am 6ft and weigh 300 lbs. with a 42" waist.
I do 5 miles on the treadmill every day, I climb, I hike, I have hiked the grand canyon rim to rim carrying an 80 lb pack.
I weigh 300 lbs most of it muscle,the lowest I have ever been in my adult life is 270lbs.
losing the weight is not an option because muscle does not burn like fat. I have found that if I increase my exercise program too much I will actually lose inches on my waist while gaining weight.

and studying more really does not bother me two much since I am an engineer. and have already completed the ground school portion for private pilot.

no one asked any questions at all they just assumed.

my contention is with the number of people out there who are bigger it is time for the FAA to consider that since even the average adult male in the us has increased from 165lbs to 196 lbs that they should base these thing on a bit higher number like 2000lbs gross for light Sport to accommodate a larger cross section of america. I see a lot of people complaining that light sport is not bringing in as many new pilots to general aviation as it was intended to perhaps this is one reason why.

--- In, Peter Walker <peterwalker58@...> wrote:
> Hello Jimmy
>  Thanks
> Peter
> ________________________________
> From: jimmyg51147 <james-galvin@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:13 PM
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: I need help
> Peter was not being an elitist. This is not a case of "My plane is bigger than your plane". He was trying to get across the point that LSA probably would not work for you and GA would be a better fit. LSA planes are limited to 2 people. You alone are almost 3 people. I would like to be a Hollywood heart throb. Although at 65 years old, slightly overweight, and gray hair I probably would not be able to pull it off. Let's see, I have 2 choices. Continue deluding myself or face reality. I think I'll go with reality. Try it, it's less frustrating.
> Jimmy
> --- In, "bikerider1959" <paulwalter@> wrote:
> >
> > so you're saying hey big guys, you have to have twice as many hours , study more and get a medical before you can do what us thin guys can do with less time and our drivers license.
> >
> > this elitist attitude is one of the things that has kept me from even attempting to learn how to fly for 50 years, comments from pilots like you might have a hard time fitting in the plane, and we might not even be able to take off,or there is no way you could ever pass the medical exam,and other comments when ever I would ask questions about it. that made me feel inferior and forever afraid of trying to get a medical certification.
> > so Now I hear about the new class of flying with a drivers license Medical requirement that is intended to bring more new pilots into general aviation with less cost to the individual.
> > you would think that with all the talk about the "Aviation Community" and the "Aviation Family" out there that there would be more tolerance for peoples differences and more help in trying to find ways for people to realize their dream of flying, instead we have an elitist I am better than you fat boy attitude. new pilots are fine as long as they fit into the Ken And Barbie mold.
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, Peter Walker <peterwalker58@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello
> > >
> > > There is a class that allows a higher gross Its galled GA However the rules are different Some people just dont fit Light SportGet over it
> > > Peter
> > >
> > >
> > >


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