Just one point to bear in mind about the "legacy" planes is that many of them will need to be hand propped. Don't know if you have considered any of the experimental-amateur built/ELSA type aircraft.(LOVE my Rans S-6S). Just my two cents. John Weber
On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:48 AM, peppypilot@gmail.com wrote:
Excellent idea and I have actually done this last medical.At this point, I have no disqualifying issues.But, with advancing age....if I am going to buy another plane, and most of my flying is local, day, vfr - and I already have a tailwheel endorsement - maybe lsa is for me. As long as I keep my medical I could rent a faster, larger plane as needed.Thanks again for the info -Joe
Sent with Thanksgiving greetingsfrom my iPhone
There is a simple and easy way around this. If you have doubts, tell the AME you want to go through a "Pre-Medical" exam. Have him do everything he would do during a medical except the paperwork. I have asked FAA officials about this and they say there is nothing wrong with having this done. One even laughed when I asked if it would be OK with the doctor. He said "They are in business to make money. Aren't they!"
--- In Sport_Aircraft@yahoogroups.com, Lloyd Smith <lesmith240@...> wrote:
> Be careful about the medical. If ever denied a medical, it exempts you from
> the LSP program.
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