Monday, May 30, 2011

Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: sport pilot training in challenger or quicksilver

Comparing prices of 40 year old planes to new planes does not hold any logic. I would like you to go find yourself a brand new Cessna and then compare it to a brand new LSA.
The Tomohawk that you picked up for $6,900.00 in the depressed economy is someone's desperation but please tell us how did your first annual go. How many hours are on it?
I do not think there is any reason to think that a CFI whether teaching private or SP should not charge the same rate. You are about as likely to put the CFI in private in danger as you are the CFI in the SP course. SP generally takes about 50 to 60 percent of the hours of a private license to finish. That's where the entry is cheaper not per hour charge.

--- In, Chop doc <chop_doc@...> wrote:
> For the CFI to charge $125 and supply the ELSA, yes he can get away with it for he is upfront that his rate is $125/hr for him to teach a person to fly. But here is what gets me. I can rent a Cessna 152 for $93/hr and have an instructor for $30/hr which is $123/hr. The light sport was suppose to be a cheaper way for the common person to be able to fly yet the industry wants full price for it so it actually negates going the sport pilot route. Then you look at the price they are wanting for the planes, even if its self built. I can pick up a cessna 152 for 14K or a grumman AA-1A for 12,500 on barnstormers right now. Go to the airports and see the for sale tags on the planes and you can find good deals. I bought a tomahawk two years ago for $6,900. Where is in incentive for people to get into sport flying when the price is so astronomical? There is none that I see unless your talented and have the time and the room to scratch build a plane and go the route
> of a VW engine or motorcycle engine. Thats why the sport pilots never really caught on. It is actually cheaper to go the route of recreational or private pilot and rent a plane when you want to fly.
> Daniel
> --- On Sun, 5/29/11, Alex <acensor@...> wrote:
> From: Alex <acensor@...>
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: sport pilot training in challenger or quicksilver
> To:
> Date: Sunday, May 29, 2011, 9:11 AM
> There's a sport pilot training school is California still doing sport pilot training in ELSA Challengers.
> The CFI wrote this to me months ago:
> "Thanks for inquiring into flight training with me at my flight school. As you may know, the FAA phased out training in experimental aircraft, unless it's the owner's aircraft.
> So I charge $125/hr. for a one-hour lesson, but the plane flying is free. That way, the FAA can't say I'm charging for the use of my plane. "
> I think he may be on very gray ground but for now he's doing it.
> Write me for contact info.
> GENERALLY unless you are near one of the few FBOs that have a newer expensive SLSA for training/rental use the door to sport pilot training is hard to find unless you own your own ELSA or amature built LSA and can find a CFI that's comfortable using it as a trainer.
>  That's surely part of the reason there are so very few people coming into aviation via the sport pilot route. It has in my opinion prettty much been a failure if its purpose was to open the door to flying to more wannabe pilots. There are only about 4000 people who have come into flying by getting a sport pilot license. According to one of the sport pilot specialist advisors at EAA as many as 2000 are former previously experienced ultralight pilots who were able to get their UL hours and experience grandfarthered in and creditied toward getting sport pilot certified.
> On the other hand if the sport pilot rule was intended (as some suggest) to put a damper on UL flying it has succeeded wonderfully. It is  impossible for someone to go out today and buy or build a part 103 UL and get any low cost  training... as it used to be possible There are no more two seat ultralight trainers, no more BFI's (basic flight instructors). It is also very very difficult, even at the much higher standard CFI training rates, to get _any_ training suitable to get a complete newbie set up to strap into a single seat part 103 UL and takeoff. Statistics are as far as I know difficult to get, but it is certain that since the sport pilot rule killed two seat UL trainers and BFI's off there are practically no new pilots coming into flying via the UL route and after the current generation of remaining UL pilots die off, retire from flying UL flying will be a tiny fraction of what it was pre 2004.
> So, whether putting a damper on UL was intended or an unintended consequence of the sport pilot rules, having closed the door to UL on net the sport pilot certification as likely reduced the flow of folks into aviation in the USA.
> Alex


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