Sunday, May 29, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: sport pilot training in challenger or quicksilver

yeah that's what's important about it all.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone

----- Reply message -----
From: "UltraJohn" <>
To: <>
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: sport pilot training in challenger or quicksilver
Date: Sun, May 29, 2011 5:42 pm

But he is ignoring one important thing. Most of those UL pilots were

On Sunday 29 May 2011 08:04:13 pm Gary N Orpe wrote:
> You are spot on in your analysis.  And the regular FBOS and instructors
>  could care less. Trikes seem to be the exception.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4GLTE smartphone
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Alex" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: sport pilot training in
>  challenger or quicksilver Date: Sun, May 29, 2011 7:11 am
> There's a sport pilot training school is California still doing sport pilot
>  training in ELSA Challengers.
> The CFI wrote this to me months ago:
> "Thanks for inquiring into flight training with me at my flight school. As
>  you may know, the FAA phased out training in experimental aircraft, unless
>  it's the owner's aircraft.
> So I charge $125/hr. for a one-hour lesson, but the plane flying is free.
>  That way, the FAA can't say I'm charging for the use of my plane. "
> I think he may be on very gray ground but for now he's doing it.
> Write me for contact info.
> GENERALLY unless you are near one of the few FBOs that have a newer
>  expensive SLSA for training/rental use the door to sport pilot training is
>  hard to find unless you own your own ELSA or amature built LSA and can
>  find a CFI that's comfortable using it as a trainer.
> That's surely part of the reason there are so very few people coming
>  into aviation via the sport pilot route. It has in my opinion prettty much
>  been a failure if its purpose was to open the door to flying to more
>  wannabe pilots. There are only about 4000 people who have come into flying
>  by getting a sport pilot license. According to one of the sport pilot
>  specialist advisors at EAA as many as 2000 are former previously
>  experienced ultralight pilots who were able to get their UL hours and
>  experience grandfarthered in and creditied toward getting sport pilot
>  certified.
> On the other hand if the sport pilot rule was intended (as some suggest)
>  to put a damper on UL flying it has succeeded wonderfully. It is
>  impossible for someone to go out today and buy or build a part 103 UL and
>  get any low cost  training... as it used to be possible There are no more
>  two seat ultralight trainers, no more BFI's (basic flight instructors). It
>  is also very very difficult, even at the much higher standard CFI training
>  rates, to get _any_ training suitable to get a complete newbie set up to
>  strap into a single seat part 103 UL and takeoff. Statistics are as far as
>  I know difficult to get, but it is certain that since the sport pilot rule
>  killed two seat UL trainers and BFI's off there are practically no new
>  pilots coming into flying via the UL route and after the current
>  generation of remaining UL pilots die off, retire from flying UL flying
>  will be a tiny fraction of what it was pre 2004.
> So, whether putting a damper on UL was intended or an unintended
>  consequence of the sport pilot rules, having closed the door to UL on net
>  the sport pilot certification as likely reduced the flow of folks into
>  aviation in the USA.
> Alex


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