Thursday, August 27, 2009

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Leaseback

Jay: I feel your pain brother. I'm scared to death about unwittingly joining the fraternity of folks who can afford to buy, but can't afford to keep. (it's hard to tell what my wife would do if I made a $100K blunder after my recent blood-bath in the market!)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Leaseback


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 02:11:05PM -0000, wrote:
> In trying to evaluate whether or not this option would really work for me
> (seems like a lot of things that work for others often don't for me!) I'm
> trying to determine how many hours/month would really get booked. Does
> anybody have any experience with leasebacks to local flight schools and
> would like to share their info? Also, in evaluating LSA's with either the
> Continental (2000 hr TBO) or the Rotax/Jabiru (1500 hr TBO) it would be
> helpful to learn if anybody knows just how much an overhaul costs for any
> of these engines. (It seems to me that, in a leaseback environment, it
> could be time to do the overhaul before you know it.) Thanks. folks. (By
> the way, planes being considered are the AMD Zodiac 650 (hoping for a
> quick FAA report), the Arion Lightning LS-1 and the Evektor Sport Star
> (used).

This will depend to a pretty fair extent on the level of equipment in the
airplane. The more equipment, and the more mossions it's capable of
satisfying, the more it'll get used.

Of course, I'm still trying to sell my loaded-to-the-gills Zodiac... :-)
Jay Maynard, K5ZC, PP-ASEL, CFI-SP
Fairmont, MN (KFRM) (Yes, that's me!)
AMD Zodiac CH601XLi N55ZC


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