Sunday, February 27, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group LSRM

Thanks for your input, and yes I'm in Corning.
Starting week 2, I'm learning a lot and really enjoying it. 

Mike Daniels,
Twitter: Mike_Flys
Mytransponder: MJD

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Bob Comperini <> wrote:

>Thanks Bob,
>Are you doing it for friends? Or. Just anyone you stumble upon that needs some work or an inspection?

Anyone... although I suppose its "mostly" friends (and my own plane of course). I have been sought out by people who I don't know... normally these are people that can't find an A&P willing to touch their plane, or the Rotax engine.

>Any advice you care to pass along?

I assume you're at Corning? If so, no advise that I can think of... you're in good hands with Rainbow.

Funny story for you... I was in their first class. This was in the early spring time as I recall. Lot of rain, and gloomy, cold days up there. About day 3 of the class, one of the people in the class had the flu. The next day, Brian caught it, and by the 2nd day, I think pretty much 1/2 the class had it. We couldn't just stop the class, so we muddled thru it, until everyone was better. Oh man, there were a few rough days there.

Bob Comperini



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