Sunday, February 27, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Another person unsubscribed

On 08:19 AM 2/27/2011, Chris Holub wrote:

>Although I clicked the "Unsubscribe" I am still getting the emails. not sure how that's happening but since it is I figured I might as well let you know and just say I didn't mean to offend anyone.
>I got an email a little while after I clicked the unsubscribe asking why I was leaving. I replied but I didn't know it was going to be posted for the whole group to see.

Personally, I think *this* very topic is being beaten to death. Who cares if you unsubscribed. We all have our limits as to what we can tolerate on a list. I certainly wasn't offended. I don't think we needed to see your private e-mail sent to the list. At least it was sanitized, so no one knew it was you. Be thankful that these threads you are complaining about, are at least on-topic for this group... they weren't religion or government debates, which would have no purpose being on this list. I guarantee you that every bloody group/forum/mailing list in the world ends up repeating topics from time to time. Another guarantee, is that it usually takes a few days, before a thread dies down, after some question that has been properly answered. Many people don't read their e-mails multiple times in one day, and often, people will respond to a particular post, before reading the remainder of a thread. It happens. Bottom line is that many times, threads will seem to go on longer than necessary. Delete posts you don't want to read. Complain about posts that are 100% off topic for a group (or better yet, let the moderators decide on that)

>My point I was trying to make was just simply it seemed like you were beating a dead horse again. Going over and over and over the same facts about that Rotax repairman course if its needed if its not to do a oil change etc. And even after I think it was Helen who made a call about it the conversation continued as if you didn't believe her, I'm sure that wasn't the case. I'm just saying no one was willing to concede their point.

Since I was involved with that thread, I will respond to this...

One of the reasons this same old topic keeps coming up, is because there is a lot of confusion about things such as SLSA maintenance. Sometimes new people join the list, and ask a question that starts a thread (again). Sure, it would be easier if newcomers to the list read the archives, but that is a painful process on Yahoo especially. So I don't get offended when the same questions are asked more than once.

It also doesn't help that regulations change, and FAA policies change. With regard to this whole "Who needs Rotax school" thread, the FAA has apparently (rightfully so) shot down Rotax's claim that everyone must have their training, before being allowed to work on their engines (at least in the SLSA world).

What makes this even worse, is that we're all hearing about these FAA changes, yet to my knowledge the FAA has not yet put it in writing. No wonder there is confusion.

Yes, Helen did say she called 610 and got "the answer". If you've dealt with the FAA much before, you'd realize that they don't always get it right, or even agree between themselves, on what the rules are. Why would you be offended that I questioned what she posted here?

I did, and still disagree with what she posted. What she posted contradicts what we were told during our training, and what we were told by Edsel Ford himself quite some time ago. She says she spoke to Edsel Ford. I've spoken with him on this very issue before, too. Seems like we both are hearing different things, at different times. Its the FAA's position that they (the FAA) determine who is authorized to work on these engines, not Rotax. In that regard, there is NO difference between an A&P and a light-sport repairman/maintenance. Therefore, the "you don't need to have a Rotax rating" would apply to both A&Ps, as well as LRSMs. Here's another article on the subject:

Helen heard one thing. I've heard another. Both of us are relaying what we've heard at different times. None of it is to be taken as gospel, until its put in writing by the FAA. None of our answers are "correct", until the FAA issues their written guidance. Just the fact that we are hearing different things from the FAA, proves why there *is* confusion, and why topics like this continue to come up on this list (rightfully so).

Bob Comperini


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