Saturday, April 23, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Compensation as a SP flying an ELSA??

Sometimes laws can have unintentional consequences and when followed to the letter, can be totally stifling which may not have been their original consequence.  Sometimes, simply following the spirit of the law is good enough, and sometimes situations arise that require the law to followed as best as possible but "worked around", a bit.  Sometimes we have to ask ourselves if every battle needs to be fought, if every law has to be followed to the absolute letter.  As an examiner people come to me all the time for help and advice.  I have always felt my role is to help people become legal if they want to be and help them be safer pilots if they could use the help.  My role is not to be a Barney Fife.  Sometimes doers of good deeds could use a break when the laws are written such that if followed exactly, good deeds won't get done.
From: Meso
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 9:40 AM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: Compensation as a SP flying an ELSA??

Doing a good deed does not constitute the right to break laws.

--- In, "Mark IV" <markiv200@...> wrote:
> Dude, do you really want to hassel this organization? While we are flying...the earth is dying. Think "bigger picture" here.
> Far different than pulling banners for people on the beach to read.


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