Thursday, April 14, 2011

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group light sport airplane registration

Stall speed is easy.  Slow down until it stalls and note the speed at which that happened.  Cruise speed is even easier.  Set cruise power and see where the speed stabilizes.  Vne is a bit trickier.  Keep going faster until the wings rip off, and then make a note that it was somewhat less than that.  haha.  Seriously, there is an excellent FAA Guidance circular on first flight and a test program for homebuilt aircraft.  I don't recall the AC number off the top of my head, but it's out there and free.  EAA is also an excellent source.  My advice is to prepare a disciplined test program and follow it with *discipline*.  First flight is not the flight to bring out the friends, relatives, cameras, etc., and buzz the field demonstrating Vne.  I dug around in old EZZ mags and clipped articles of interest.  You have 40 hours to kill anyway, it's a good time to build the charts that will determine Vx and Vy as well. 
Have fun!
From: M Norman
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group light sport airplane registration

I am building an airplane and wanted to register it as a light sport, but I was trying to find some information as how to determine stall speed, Cruise speed and VNE. Also I when I get it built and am ready to move to a different plane it would be nice to be able to pass it along to someone that does not have to have and A&P do the annual condition inspection. I enjoy the ability to do these on the light sport planes that I own because I did not build them but I have the light sport repairman certificate and they are listed on it.

--- In, "Jerry" <jself1@...> wrote:
> Are you talking about as manufacturing an
> airplane as a SLSA or an existing aircraft as
> ESLA or ? Fill in some details if you want a
> useful answer.
> Jerry in NC


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