>> Posted by: "Helen Woods"
Helen_Woods@ verizon.net>> Gary, you are forgetting reserves. Legally you need at least a half
>> hour when you return. I personally don't know a CFI worth his salt
>> willing to return with less than a full hour. Too much unexpected stuff
>> can and will happen during a training flight.) At my school most
>> training flights are about 1.5 hours. So keeping it to just a minimum
>> length flight with a minimum reserve, best case scenario you are looking
>> at 400lbs for people plus bags. And that's assuming we believe the
>> published number of 490...
>> Helen
> Helen, if I read you right, you're saying that you allow for 2 hours
> flying, which is 90 lbs of fuel, 15 gallons, 7.5 gals/hour, right?
> Mike
> O200 fuel burn published average = 6gph
> 1 hour reserve + 1.5 hour lesson/checkride = 2.5h x 6lbs x 6gph = 90lbs
> Helen
Okay, looks exagerated to me every step of the way.....
So, anyone giving a 1 hr lesson with half hour reserve and 4 gals/hr,
would need to carry 6 gallons weighing 36 lbs.
(or if that aircraft really used 6 gals/hr, then 9 gals weighing 54 lbs.)
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