Thursday, May 17, 2012

Re: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: perfect for my situation

Exaggerated, depends how one interprets the word?  The article in AVFLASH NEWS states: Pipistrel Alpha LSA Trainer Ready To Fly For $85K, forgotten was the disclaimer (first ten units).  Most manufactures would be happy to sell ten units at a promotional price lower than actual price.  As for the fuel burn; I would be interested in real world numbers from average training pilots, or anyone else for that matter, going places, doing normal aviation activities where they experience an average fuel burn under 2.5 gph with a Rotax engine.




-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Coates
Sent: May 17, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: Light-Sport Aircraft Yahoo group Re: perfect for my situation


Pipistrel don't lie or exaggerate about ANYTHING.... our performance is documented and fully validated by NASA. Please look at the results of the green flight challenge where you will see speeds, economy and performance listed for the 80 horsepower engine and also the 100 horsepower engine in a near identical airframe.

Regarding pricing, the first 10 aircraft which have been sold to the USA are delivered flying etc for just $85,000. This was the agreement for the first 10 aircraft sold, the price is now slightly higher (by a few thousand dollars) because we are changing the configuration and adding different instruments including an artificial horizon and FAA legal lights for night-time flying. (the release customers got these items at no additional charge).
The price of the aircraft has gone up by the additional cost of these items only but is still under $90,000 delivered.

--- In, Michael Huckle <m230683@...> wrote:
> > Posted by: "pwrsport@..."
> > ...  one may also
> > be surprised when they don’t the promis of
> > “aircraft will burn less than 2.5 gallons per
> > hour”. Yeah, right!
> > Ed
> Maybe they meant at 50 knots.... not at 80 knots?
> Mike
> .


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